  • 學位論文

履約遲延對建築師執行公共工程委任技術服務 的衝擊與處理對策之研究

The Research of Impact & Strategy for the Delay in the Architect’s Implementation of Public Construction Projects.

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


建築師在執行公共工程委任技術服務的履約過程中有時會遭遇到風險及不確定因素,當這些狀況發生時,若所涉及層面範圍廣大且影響金額甚高時,機關與廠商常不易達成共識,此時爭議便會產生。 在行政院公共工程委員會所公佈之歷年調解案件中,以施工廠商與機關所產生的爭議居多,設計單位與機關所產生爭議相對較少。然而透過工程會資料、文獻資料歸納整理,仍可歸納出技術服務契約常見爭議:如設計瑕疵錯誤、規劃設計延誤逾期、變更設計費用之請求、契約中止之賠償、監造不實、監造期程延長之服務費請求等。其中履約遲延佔了相當的案件數量。而廠商規劃設計作業延誤、審查流程反覆、機關指示變更、監造工期延長等四類履約遲延爭議為建築師執行公共工程委任技術服務時較常發生,因此本研究將針對此四種爭議型態作深入探討。 本研究蒐集過去法院與申訴、調解相關案例,歸納彙整(1)爭議發生原因(2)爭議發生態樣(3)民法依據與及處理過程中須注意事項。又由於工程爭議往往牽涉眾多工程參與者,於是進一步透過專家訪談建構爭議問題發生時建築師該採取何種方式預防其擴大,處理爭議問題時更為迅速確實,相對亦節省後續衍生需投入之人力與時間成本。 最後,本研究針對前述不同履約遲延爭議項目提出:(1)簽約前對於契約之注意事項(2)履約問題發生之因應方式,供建築師同業履行工程專案管理、規劃、設計、監造等技術服務契約之參考。


In the process of implementing the contract service execution for the public works, architects sometimes encounter certain risks and uncertainties. When these situations occur, and if they involve in broad range levels and affect significant amount of money, then the government agencies and the construction contractors are often difficult to reach a consensus, then the dispute will be generated. Over the years, the published arbitration case by the Public Construction Commission (PCC) of Executive Yuan, the majority of the disputes arise out of construction contractors and government agencies, and the disputes between designers and government agencies are relatively low. However, analyzing the information and documents published by PCC, we could summarize the common disputes in the contract such as: flaws and errors in design, submission schedule delay in planning phase, the fee request for the Change Order, compensation for the contract’s termination, inaccuracy in site supervision, the fee request for the extension of site supervision…etc. Among them, construction performance delay takes account for a considerable number of cases. The submission schedule delay in planning phase, the repetitive review process, the design change instruction by the government agency, the extension of site supervision are the four categories of performance delay causing controversial dispute occur frequently when architects implement the service contract execution of public works. Therefore, this paper will focus on these four controversial types in depth. This study collects the related cases on court appeals and arbitration over the past. The results summarize as follows: (1) causes of dispute (2) kinds of dispute (3) the basis of civil law and the required attention matter during the process. Moreover, because of construction disputes often involve in a number of project participants, thus further interviews through experts to establish when the controversial issues occur, the architects should decide in what manner to prevent its expansion, and truly handle the disputed issues more rapidly. Relatively many follow-up resources such as required manpower, time and costs could be reduced or saved in this process. Finally, this study proposes the following considerations to the controversial disputes caused by the aforementioned different performance delay: (1) detailed attentions prior to sign the contract (2) the coping strategies during contract service execution. These two considerations could be the references when the architects perform the contract services such as construction project management, master planning, building design, site supervision…etc.


[6] 行政院公共工程委員會88年5月25日(88)工程企字第8807106號發布「採購契約要項」。
[11] 曾惠斌、黃建邦,「工程專案管理人員處理及預防工程爭議研究報告」,民93。
[5] 王元甫,「由FIDIC契約範本論工程契約爭議問題」,臺灣大學法律學研究所,碩士論文,民97。
