  • 學位論文


The Effectiveness of Horticultural Therapy on Life Quality of Cancer Patients

指導教授 : 陳惠美


癌症長年來為國人十大死因之首,治療過程中嚴重影響病患之情緒與生活品質。國內外已有機構嘗試利用園藝治療,但仍鮮少研究對實施效益進行實證評估,且尚缺乏系統性的活動設計與評估方式。因此,本研究選用適當之評估工具並結合質性訪談,研究癌症患者經過一系列6週之園藝治療活動後,其情緒與生活品質的效益,及從事活動前後之園藝活動態度轉變。此外,本研究追蹤參與者情緒與生活品質之持續效益,並了解後續園藝活動參與行為與持續效益之關係。 本研究透過準實驗設計的事前事後比較設計,研究癌症患者參與6週園藝治療之效益,並於治療後約每3個月做追蹤,以了解持續效益。園藝治療共舉辦4梯次、每梯6週,活動每週1次、每次2小時,包含1小時的知識講授及1小時的活動操作。活動內容以健康生活為主軸,以提升正向情緒與生活品質,及轉移注意力為主要目標。研究對象由基金會招募,參與課程三分之二以上並有完成前後測問卷者共28人。評估工具採用情緒、生活品質及園藝活動參與態度問卷進行前後測,並於治療結束後一週依訪談大綱進行電話訪談。每梯於園藝治療後約每三個月進行一次追蹤,追蹤內容包含情緒、生活品質以及後續園藝活動參與行為。 經過統計分析,結果顯示園藝治療可顯著提升癌症患者的情緒,使癌症患者更快樂、更有精神;但對於生活品質問卷中之整體生活品質、功能、症狀及財務困難皆無顯著改善。在園藝活動參與態度的部分,則因感知到活動的情緒、社交與休閒效益以及活動內容的教育,而使園藝活動參與態度更趨正面。透過後續追蹤發現,多數參與者會持續參與園藝活動,且與園藝活動參與態度相關,在效益的部分情緒的激發面向可維持至六個月及九個月後,而此效益與後續園藝活動參與頻率無關;生活品質則沒有顯著變化。 由結果可知園藝治療有助於心理效益並增加後續園藝活動參與,但沒有產生持續效益。因此,園藝治療仍屬於輔助性的角色,能否引發後續園藝活動參與習慣改變而有持續效益,仍需進一步探討。


癌症 園藝治療 輔助治療 生活品質 追蹤


Cancer has been the leading cause of death in Taiwan for many years. This disease negatively affects patients’ life quality. In recent years, horticultural therapy (HT) has also been utilized as an option of alternative medicine for cancer patients to improve life quality. However, there is still not much emprical data to support the benefit of HT on cancer patients. This study aimed to assess the benefit of HT on mood and quality of life for cancer patients as well as assessing the benefit during the follow-up period. This study applied the before-and-after design to evaluate the effectiveness of HT. Twenty-eight subjects recieved a 6-week HT program and completed questionnarie before and after the program. Besides, semi-sturctured interview held after the end of the program and interviewed subjects to complete follow-up questionnarie through telephone every three month until twelve months later. In pre-test and post-test questionnarie, PAD mood scale, EORTC QLQ-C30, and the attitude scale toward horticultural activity were carried out to evaluate the mood, quality of life, and attitude toward horticultural activity. Moreover, the items of mood, quality of life, and behevior of horticultural activity were included in follow-up questionnarie. The results showed that HT program significantly improved patients’ affection and the attitude toward horticultural activity became more positive. But, there was no effect on quality of life. Moreover, subjects highly attended horticultural activities after HT. The mood effect sustained to six month and nine month after the end of HT but not related to the frequency of horticultural activity attendence. This paper provides empirical data to support the benefit of HT program for cancer patients. It can be seen that HT could encourage subjects to do daily horticultural activities.


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