  • 學位論文

以層級分析法與地理資訊系統為基礎之就醫機構選擇決策 引擎

Decision Engine for Medical Institute Selection Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and Geographic Information System

指導教授 : 賴飛羆




When it comes to taking medical treatment, the first problem is how people choose an appropriate medical institute. Most people choose medical institute by their experience or trying to get some information from other’s advice. Choice of medical institute is a widely studied issue; a lot of important factors of most people have been discovered and analyzed. But lack of quantified data makes these factors hard to be compared between medical institutes. In the past researches, classifier has been used to build up the model of hospital choosing, but personal preference may not be fit by this type of model. Nowadays, several websites provide the medical institute searching service. However, it only provides simple query service. People can choose the district they live, getting the list of medical institute. Practically, these types of service do not consider the personal preference and can not directly support the selection of medical institute while considering to access medical service. Therefore, this research aims to develop a convenient web-based decision engine service system integrated with AHP and GIS for supporting the medical care selection and give a customized, patient-central recommendation list of medical institutes. The result shows that the system could catch the preference of user and indeed help people find the rational medical institute with good satisfaction.


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