  • 學位論文


The Research of Consumer Behavior of MainlandTourists in Taiwan - Take examples of retailers and sales persons’ viewpoints in North Coast

指導教授 : 陳明通


大陸觀光客已成為世界上最受矚目的消費族群,來台的陸客除了旅遊觀光,也特別喜歡攜帶伴手禮,藉由消費能力展現了其驚人的經濟實力。對台灣的旅遊零售業者而言,陸客的消費行為已成為其市場行銷與管理上重要課題。如何掌握其消費行為和滿意屬性,創造服務價值,而使得旅客產生高消費意願及舊地重遊的忠誠度,已是台灣地區旅遊業者觀光市場行銷上極待深思及努力的。 本論文就空間而言僅限於北海岸風景區,主要集中於野柳風景區、金山老街、九份老街之旅遊零售業為實證範圍,藉由至少服務過大陸觀光客半年以上之銷售人員,以他們的觀察角度來探討陸客在台灣旅遊之購物消費行為,問卷主題分四個面向:(一)陸客來台消費之需求與考量,(二)陸客對旅遊零售業銷售服務重要性,(三)陸客來台之消費特質,(四)旅遊零售業對陸客來台政策滿意度。 本研究採用EBM模式的消費者決策過程為主要分析架構,調查之時間為2012年4月至2012年5月,總共發放問卷300份,回收298份。在資料分析上,係以電腦統計軟體SPSS 18,將所有問卷資料進行平均數比較,以單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)(搭配LSD事後檢定法)以及獨立樣本T檢定(Independent-Samples t test)為分析工具,比較不同背景的業者銷售人員對各項因素的評價平均分數,是否有差異。 本研究從零售業者觀察中發現陸客進行消費時的考量因素最重視「旅行社的行程安排」與「優惠的價格」。有關商店特色與購買情境最重要的因素在於「商店與店面的促銷活動」與「強調產品限量與獨特性」,被認為是有效的促銷手段。而服務陸客所遭遇的困難為「衛生習慣不佳」與「不禮貌/不守秩序」。對於一些外在的情境因素影響最重要在於從眾行為,內在情境因素影響最重要在於陸客個人價值觀(慾望、虛榮等特質)。 北海岸零售業者認為「南部沿海省份」要求折扣及贈品的消費特質最為明顯。「東北省份」與「東部沿海省份」大陸觀光客的消費能力最高。在達成交易的男女性別比例,主要以女性居多數。與亞洲鄰近各國的消費者相較,陸客的消費能力最高。若要促進或影響陸客來本地旅遊消費,「旅行社配合」重要性最高。 對於大陸觀光客旅行團印象,或是大陸觀光客自由行的開放,或是民進黨、國民黨兩黨的大陸政策,普遍來說觀感不佳,印象好壞平均分數都很低。各項觀光設施重要性以「廁所增加」與加強「遊客步行路線規劃」最為重要,各項觀光政策以「提高陸客來台觀光人數的額度」與加強「觀光景點宣傳」,佔有相當重要的影響力。 根據研究發現,對政府單位提出下列建議:(一)有賴政府、旅行社與觀光產業從業人員共同努力,打造友善旅遊環境、提升服務品質。(二)避免惡意哄抬價格;業者自律與公權力介入,建立「不二價」觀念乃長久之道。(三)MIT產品受陸客重視,應加強臺灣意向的行銷包裝;也應加強食品安全保障。(四)旅行社業者與導遊,應加強大陸觀光客行前教育、禮貌宣導。(五)當地零售業者對於「陸客來台觀光旅遊」,存有矛盾心態須共同來檢討。(六)北海岸業者與銷售人員對當地各項觀光建設需求迫切,值得中央與地方政府重視。提供學術界或觀光業界作為參考資料。


Chinese tourists have become the most eye-catchers of consumer groups in the world. Tourists from China to Taiwan not only enjoy their tour and sightseeing but also bring back souvenirs, showing amazing economical powers by means of their consumption behaviors. Standing at positions of tourism and retail business, consumption behaviors of Chinese tourists have turned into an important issue in the marketing and management. How to control their consumption behaviors and satisfactory properties, creating value of services to produce willingness of highly consumption and loyalty of revisiting have been an orientation for Taiwan’s travel agencies being worth thinking deeply about and trying efforts in tourism marketing. The thesis subject to the space of scenic zone in North Cost focusing on Yeliou Scenic Area, Jinshan Old Street and Jiufen Old Street retail business as the scope of demonstration, selected sales persons who offered services to Chinese tourists for more than half year to explore at their observation Chinese tourists’ behaviors of shopping and consumption in Taiwan tour. There’re four aspects in this questionnaire: (1) Demand and consideration of Chinese tourists’ consumption in Taiwan; (2) Importance of Chinese tourists toward sales services in retail business; (3) Consumption characteristics for Chinese tourists on Taiwan’s tours; (4) Satisfactions of tourism and retail business about policy of tourists from China to Taiwan. This study adopted EBM model of consumer decision process as main analysis structure to survey from Apr. to May, 2012 in total 300 questionnaires with response of 298. The data in questionnaire were analyzed with computer statistical software SPSS 18 to be in comparison of the averages based on analysis tools of one-way ANOVA (combined with LSD Post Hoc) and Independent-Samples t test, comparing if there’re differences in average marks from assessments of sales persons with different backgrounds. The study based on observations of retailers found that the fist consideration of Chinese tourists’ consumption is “travel agency’s course arrangement” and “favorable price”. The most important factors for shop features and shopping scenario are “promotional activities in stores and storefronts” and “limited quantity and specialty of merchandise”, which are deemed as effective promotional measures. However, difficulties when offering services to Chinese tourists are “bad personal hygiene habits” and “bad manners/out of order”. Conformity behavior will be thought to be significantly affected by some external scenario factors and personal value (desire, vanity, etc.) by internal scenario factors. Retailers in North Cost thought “costal provinces in southern China” obviously present consumption behavior of asking for discount and gift. “Provinces in northeastern China” and “costal provinces in eastern China” have highly consuming abilities. Female are the main proportion in male/female to make deals. Compared to other consumers in the neighboring Asian countries, Chinese tourists have the highest consuming abilities. “Travel agency’s cooperation” will play the key role to promote or affect Chinese tourists’ consumption on local tours in Taiwan. In general, indication of poor perception about Chinese tourist travel groups, individual tour of Chinese tourist, or China policies from DPP and KMT reflects low average mark. “Increase of toilets” and reinforcement of “walking routes plan for tourists” are the most of all tourism facilities; “increase quota of tourists from China to Taiwan” and reinforcement of “tourist spots’ promotion” are important influences on each tourism policy. According to the study, we’d like to suggest the government authorities as follows: (1) Creating friendly tourism environment and good quality services depend on jointly cooperation of government, travel agencies and tourism industries; (2) Malicious bull campaign should be avoided; operators’ self-discipline and public power’s interference will the basis of “uniform price” concept for long-term business; (3) Focus on “MIT” products in Chinese tourists’ minds to strengthen marketing package of Taiwan image; emphasize protection of food safety as well; (4) Travel agency and tour guide should conduct education and promote polite awareness to Chinese tourists before the tour; (5) Review ambivalence of local retailers and sales persons about “Chinese tourist on Taiwan’s tour”; (6) Urgent demand of local tourism construction from local retailers and sales person is worthy of emphasis by central and local government. This study is presented for academic circles and tourism industries’ references.


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