  • 學位論文


Analysis of the Merger of Higher Education in Taiwan

指導教授 : 謝德宗


近年來隨著台灣高等產業快速擴張,人口成長率逐年趨緩,少子化問題嚴重,許多大專院校面臨招生不足。教育部自2001年開始推動大學整併,期望透過整併達到規模經濟、提高資源與經費使用效率、及發揮學科綜合優勢等目標。 本研究為文獻回顧,首先整理近年來行政院資院及歷年學者對整併的相關研究,接著討論台灣高等教育產業概況,包括高等教育校數擴充、學生數成長趨緩等問題。接著針對目前已整併成功與未成功案例進行分析,最後歸納出結論。結論如下: 一、 整併成功的學校以「互補型態」與「地理位置相近」為主要特色。 二、 台灣整併問題:政策方面--法制授權不足;政策規劃內容及整體配套不足;整併之輔導機制不足。大專校院方面--整併效益不甚明確,難以導引他校仿效;校內相關人員缺乏共識及落差;校務會議審議程序冗長,不易溝通。 三、 具體建議為:修正大專校院整併相關法規,明確整併基準與流程;提供國內外整併成功案例,提高各校整併意願;持續評估學校合理規模,落實執行公私立大專院校之整併。


Higher education industry in Taiwan has greatly expanded in recent years as the number of universities and colleges increases. At the same time, fewer children were born each year since birth rate reaches unprecedentedly low. Hence, many colleges now encounter the crisis of fewer enrollments. Since 2001, the Ministry of Education has set on merging small-scale colleges in order to reach economies of scale and to improve efficiency in utilizing school resources. This paper serves as a literature review of the past studies regarding higher education merging. The researcher first discusses the general situation of Taiwan’s higher education, including increase in colleges and decrease in students. Then it analyzes the factors contributing to success and failure of merging. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Based on previous studies, success of merging lies in “complementary nature” and “geographical location.” (2) Current problems of merging are: lack of concrete measures in government policies regarding merging; merging benefits remains unclear, leading to little motivation among colleges; the authorities concerned in colleges hardly reach consensus in meetings. (3) Advice on merging: Revise current policies to specify merging process and procedures; provide concrete examples of successful merging for colleges to increase motivation; keep examining adequate school sizes to reach economics of scale.


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