  • 學位論文


Effects of Temperature, Chemicals and Fertilizer on the Growth and Flowering of Lycoris aurea

指導教授 : 張祖亮


本論文主要探討於金花石蒜種球休眠期,給予溫度及植物生長調節劑處理,對其抽梗表現之影響。於6月下旬至8月下旬,將盆植之種球移入25/20oC之自然光照人工氣候室,其至抽梗所需天數較栽培於精密溫室者提早29.5至64.5天。於6月下旬將休眠種球放置處理室20oC冷藏庫,平均之抽梗日期為8/8,較置於精密溫室者(對照組)提早38天。在此期間將種球由20oC移至30oC行變溫處理,種球在20oC未抽梗者,至30oC後即無抽梗現象。同一試驗期間,將種球先置於30oC 1週後,自第2週起至第6週,每隔一週移至20oC進行變溫處理,變溫日期越晚則抽梗率有越高之趨勢,依序為14.3%、35.2%、28.6%、50.0%及57.1%,對照組則為17.2%。 以100~600ppm硼酸浸泡處理之種球,其平均到梗天數較對照組提早5.2~19.8天,且於7月下旬以硼酸處理之種球,其平均到梗天數皆較於7月中旬處理早。同一試驗時間,以100~500 ppm益收浸泡之種球,除了以300ppm處理之種球,其平均到梗天數較對照組晚1~2.4天,其餘則較對照組提早2.8 ~23天。若以0.5~4mM STS浸泡之種球,則可提早1.7~24.2天抽梗。於5月下旬至6月上旬,以50~500ppm濃度的GA4+7針筒注射處理之金花石蒜種球,對其平均到梗天數、小花朵數、花梗長度與對照組相比均無顯著差異。 本研究抽梗之種球最小周徑為14.2 cm,最小重量則為61.2 g,種球周徑及重量越大,則抽梗率有越高之趨勢,且種球周徑及重量有高度正相關性。試驗結果亦顯示,在葉片生長期,施用葉肥(Peters 20-20-20)或花肥(Peters 10-30-20)皆可促進葉片生長,且葉肥(Peters 20-20-20)比花肥(Peters 10-30-20)之影響較大。以5、10、15及20oC進行8個月長期貯藏之金花石蒜小種球(周徑13.2~13.5 cm),結果顯示以20 oC貯藏之種球持續失重,而其他3種溫度處理之種球,於貯藏4~8個月期間失重極微。


金花石蒜 種球貯藏溫度 益收 硼酸 STS GA4+7 肥料


The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of temperature and plant growth regulators during the storage period on the bolting of Lycoris aurea dormant bulbs. From late June to late Aug., the planted bulbs in pot moved into the 25/20oC(day/night) phytotron , which the days to bolting are shorter 29.5 to 64.5 days than planted in greenhouse. Bulbs moved into the chamber of 20oC in late June, and then transferred to 30oC, the results showed there was no bolting after transfer, and the average bolting date of the bulbs grown in 20 oC is 8/8, which is 38 days earlier than those in greenhouse. After storage in 30oC, from 2nd to 6th weeks, bulbs transferred to 20oC every week showed that the percentage of bolting were 14.3%, 35.2%, 28.6%, 50.0% and 57.1%, respectively. It seems showed the early to transfer, the late to bolting. Soaking the bulbs in 100 to 600ppm boric acid, the days to bolting were 5.2 to 19.8 days earlier than control, and the bulbs treated in late July were bolting earlier than which in middle July. Bulbs soaked in 100~500 ppm ethrel at the same period, except the 300 ppm treatment which bolted one to 2.4 days later than control, the others were 2.8 to 23 days earlier than control. The days to bolting of the bulbs which immersed in 0.5 to 4mM STS were 1.7 to 24.2 days earlier than control. Injection of 50 to 500ppm GA4+7 into the bulbs in late May and late July didn’t influent the days to bolting, the number of floret and the length of peduncle. The threshold value of circumference and weight of the bolting bulbs were 14.2 cm and 61.2 g, separately. Bigger and heavier bulbs had higher bolting percentage. Highly positive correlation between circumference and weight are existed. During the leaf growing period, application of fertilizer Peters 20-20-20 or Peters 10-30-20 both can promote the growth of leaves, and Peters 20-20-20 was more effective than Peters 10-30-20. To store of the small (circumference from 13.2 to 13.5 cm) bulbs in 5、10、15 and 20 oC for eight months, the results showed the bulbs stored in 20oC continuously lost weight and the other 3 treatments showed little differences between storage after 4 and 8 months.


Lycoris aurea bulbs storage temperature ethrel boric acid STS GA4+7 fertilizer


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