  • 學位論文


The Study on Myths of Information Goods

指導教授 : 謝清佳


本研究旨在檢視目前資訊管理學域,在資訊商品上有哪些常見的迷思。迷思是一些人云亦云、未經科學證實的概念,常根據表面因素或局部現象推演而成;但迷思卻影響了人們的實務活動,若完全取信於迷思,很可能導致錯誤的行為與決策。迷思研究能使得迷思背後深層的原因或詳整的現象得以浮現,可引導人們的資訊實務活動。本研究從迷思的角度來研究資訊商品,這是過去研究所未曾探究的,應可對資訊商品提供更豐富的理解。 研究方法為在調查確認目前普遍被認同的迷思之後,使用學理辯證、文獻案例,再加上否證論個案研究法,分析這些迷思。在否證論分析的部分,係以迷思的假設,對個案進行操作化後,推測其預期現象;再與個案實際觀察的現象相比,若發現不相符合者,即表示該迷思不被支持,藉以釐清迷思。本研究選擇的個案公司為財經資料庫商品的開發者,引領了台灣財經產業在資訊商品上的應用,在資訊商品的開發與經營上,具有重要的參考價值。 本研究結果所釐清的資訊商品迷思,共有五個,分別說明設計資訊商品不一定得加上保護機制,才能避免被複製盜用;能表現出巨大網路效應的資訊商品為:愈多使用者回應輸入資料時,可使該資訊商品的內容更完整,以致價值更高;就資訊商品而言,「內容」僅是必要條件,不可偏廢其他重要條件;資訊商品的變動成本相當高昂;還有是能展現強大網路效應的資訊商品,可享有先佔優勢。 文末歸納這些迷思的核心概念,做為未來發展理論之脈絡;也揭示在研究方法上的主要意涵為:針對過去不易進行的迷思研究,提出一具體可行的研究方法;最後並論述迷思研究對經營者與實務的意涵。


This study aims to investigate the common myths on the information goods in the discipline of information management. Myths are commonly recognizable, scientifically unproved concepts. They are formed due to surface factors or local phenomena. However, myths usually mislead people to wrong behaviors and decisions owning to the belief on myths. The study on myths may reveal the deep reasons behind myths or the complete phenomena. As well as guiding the practice. We hope to provide fruitful understandings of information goods from the aspect of myths. The research method we employed is mainly the case study based on the falsificationism proposed by Karl Popper (1902-1994). After investigated the myths in the literature, we surveyed the common recognizable myths. Through the operation of the hypothesis of the myths, we made some predictions of the case supposed to be. After the comparisons between the predictions and the practice-in-case, we may falsify the myths by the inconsistence. The case T Company we choose is the developer of information goods on the finance data base. T Company is the leading company in the finance data industry in Taiwan. Its experience of development and marketing on finance information goods is original and valuable. There are five myths surveyed in this study. (1) Except protecting the information goods to avoid stealing in designing, there are several ways to protect the benefits. (2) The network effect is owing to the transaction (or interaction) between users’ input and the information goods. (3) “Content is NOT King”, Content is just the necessary condition. It is interacted with other conditions to make the information goods succeed. (4) The variable cost of information goods is high in fact, owing to the change of technology, transformation, processes, and the services. (5) The information goods with network effect will have pioneer advantages. We summarize the core concepts of the myths discussed in this study, in order for the development of the theory for the information goods in the future. We also reveal the workable research method for myths. Finally, we propose several implications for the executives and practices.


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