  • 學位論文


Linguistic Coding of Causation in Mayrinax Atayal: A Causative Continuum Approach

指導教授 : 宋麗梅


本研究探討汶水泰雅語中致使概念在形式上的表現,以及形式上的特質與語意上的關聯。在Shibatani(2002)和Shibatani and Pardeshi(2002)語言分類�功能取向的研究框架之下,本研究將汶水泰雅語中表現致使概念的構式排列構成一個致使連續體(causative continuum),連續體的兩端為直接致使(direct causation)和間接致使(indirect causation)。構詞�句法與語意的互動可以清楚地藉由此致使連續體觀察得出。 在構詞層次,汶水泰雅語中主要藉由pa-前綴來表示致使概念。第二章檢視能產性(productivity,致使連續體的兩個形式面象之一)在pa-致使構式之中的表現。透過觀察致使化動詞語態(voice)變化上的規律,發現「語態」和「動詞語意」為pa-致使形式中兩個交互作用的約束。四個語態當中的pa-致使構式,[pa-STEM-un](PV)能產性最低,可以就靜態動詞、不及物動詞,以及有限的及物動詞形成致使構式。[si-pa-STEM](CV)則是能產性最高,除了靜態動詞和不及物動詞之外,還可以就及物動詞形成致使構式。另外一個形成pa-致使構式的約束則是動詞語意,此概念構成了汶水泰雅語中的致使化層級(causativization hierarchy)。這個層級大致上遵照Shibatani(2002)的預測,顯示出不及物動詞較容易透過構詞方式致使化,及物動詞則較困難。 致使概念也可以分析型的方式(analytic)表達,尤其是牽涉到人際操縱的情況,或是致使化及物動詞以及雙及物動詞,不允許使用pa-的情況之下。第三章檢視兩個分析型表達致使概念的構式─引述構式(quotative construction)以及易主構式(switch-subject construction)。這兩個構式在形式緊合(formal synthesis,致使連續體的另一形式面象)上的差異,以Givon(2001)提出的句法方式測試。比較的結果顯示,易主構式形式在子句間距、語態、否定、人稱指涉一致等方面,子句緊合程度較強。這兩個分析型表達致使概念的構式,加上非致使引述構式,以及pa-致使構式,合起來形成一個表話語�操縱�致使概念的補語級別(complementation scale)。第三章的最後描述了英語、法語以及噶瑪蘭語的補語級別,以進一步跨語言比較補語策略。 第二章以及第三章呈現了汶水泰雅語中致使概念構式的形式層面,接著第四章將這些構式沿著致使連續體排列,並以直接�間接的面相討論這些構式的語意。排列的結果發現,詞彙致使構式,以及pa-構詞致使構式傾向表達直接致使概念,而分析型致使構式則傾向表達間接致使概念。協同致使概念(sociative causation)則透過[si-pa-STEM](CV)以及AV引述構式表達。最後,非致使語態構式的語意和功能被認為是造成致使概念構式之間語意差異的原因。


The present study discusses how causation is encoded formally in Mayrinax Atayal and how the formal properties of these causation-encoding forms are correlated with their semantics. Under the typological-functional framework of Shibatani (2002) and Shibatani and Pardeshi (2002), the present study maps the causation-encoding forms in Mayrinax Atayal onto a causative continuum headed by direct and indirect causation at its two ends. With the causative continuum, the interaction between morpho-syntax and semantics is clearly observed. At the morphological level, the prefix pa- is predominantly used to express causation in Mayrinax Atayal. Chapter 2 examines how productivity, one of the two measures for the formal dimensions of the causative continuum, is realized among pa- causatives. Through observation on the causativization patterns in terms of the voice paradigm of causativized verbs, it has been found that voice and verbal semantics are the two interacting constraints on the formation of pa- causatives. Among the pa- causatives in the four voices, the one in patient voice [pa-STEM-un] is the least productive, causativizing statives, intransitives, and a restricted number of transitives, while the pa- causative in conveyance voice [si-pa-STEM] is the most productive, causativizing transitive verbs in addition to stative and intransitive verbs. The other constraint on pa- causativization, namely, verbal semantics, shapes a causativization hierarchy in Mayrinax Atayal, which largely conforms to Shibatani’s (2002) prediction that inactive intransitves are easier to causativize through morphology while morphological causativization on transitives is faced with more difficulty. Causation can be coded analytically as well, especially in situations where interpersonal manipulation is involved, or where transitive and ditransitive verbs are to be causativized (in other words, where pa- prefixation is impossible). Chapter 3 examines two constructions that are employed to encode causation analytically: quotative construction and switch-subject construction. These two constructions are distinguished in their degree of synthesis (the other measure for the formal dimension of the causative continuum), which is measured against the syntactic coding devices provided in Givon (2001). Formal comparison shows that switch-subject construction exhibits stronger degree of synthesis regarding inter-clausal gap, voice, negation, and personal deixis agreement. These two analytic causation-encoding constructions, together with the non-causative quotative construction and pa- causatives, form a complementation scale in Mayrinax along the utterance-manipulation-causation cline. For a cross-linguistic comparison of complementation strategies, the complementation scales in English, French and Kavalan are presented. After the presentation of the formal aspects of causation-encoding constructions in Mayrinax Atayal in Chapter 2 and Chapter 3, Chapter 4 maps these constructions onto a causative continuum and discusses the semantic aspects in the directness dimension. It is found that, on the continuum, lexical causatives and morphological pa- causatives gravitate toward direct causation, while constructions that encode causation analytically (namely, quotative construction and switch-subject construction) gravitate toward indirect causation. Sociative causation, the intermediary category, is expressed through pa- causatives in CV and quotative construction in AV. The semantics and functions of non-causative voice constructions are argued to contribute to the semantic differences among the causation-encoding constructions.


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