  • 學位論文


The Study of the Satisfaction of Highway Police with the Incentive Payment Scheme

指導教授 : 陳明通


國道警察交通獎勵金自民國91年起實施,用以嘉勉、酬賞國道警察對於交通安全工作之辛勞付出,並期許員警取締績效能有所提升。惟回顧近10年施行期間,違規總取締件數呈現大幅減少趨勢,且獎勵金的正當性不斷受到輿論質疑,進而促成民國100年時修法變革。本研究主要探究獎勵金制度施行中所衍生的相關問題,並以問卷調查方式瞭解國道警察對於交通獎勵金制度各層面內涵的滿意度情形,並依據相關研究討論與發現,提出交通獎勵金政策終結時之具體建議。 國道警察交通獎勵金係績效獎金的一種,制度宗旨、設計、內涵、執行等相關層面,多以激勵理論為基礎推演而得。但由交通獎勵金制度施行期間員警取締績效析之,並未發現交通獎勵金與取締績效間具有充分正向關聯。獎勵金激勵效果不如預期,是否係因國道警察交通獎勵金未能獲得員警認同使得滿意度過低,進而導致激勵績效表現效果不佳? 問卷調查結果顯示,多數受試員警對於獎勵金金額滿意度、獎勵金制度設計滿意度、獎勵金公平性滿意度、獎勵金制度參與滿意度等皆表正向認同。經迴歸統計分析後發現,研究模型中加入工作投入度、組織承諾、請調意願等變數後,能有效提升既有解釋力,產生調節效果。 本研究結論如下:(一)國道警察交通獎勵金各層面滿意度能獲得多數受試員警正向認同,取締績效不佳並非因交通獎勵金未能獲得員警認同、滿意度過低所致,取締績效不佳應由其他因素影響所致;(二)國道警察交通獎勵金政策具經濟效益且獲得國道員警正向認同,宜維持金錢實質獎勵方式予以續行;(三)未來應針對給獎良莠區辨力不足、給獎項目與配分等缺陷予以修正,並儘速完成配套修法取得法源正當性,另應針對輿論質疑予以主動回應;(四)善加利用國道員警高工作投入度與高組織承諾之特性,發展國道警察局專業交通警察機關形象。


Since 2002, the incentive payment scheme has been carried out for the purpose of not only encouraging and rewarding the devotion of the police to maintaining highway safety, but helping boosting the efficacy of the highway police crackdowns as well. Nevertheless, tracing back the records of the past ten years, we could notice that the number of the crackdowns on highways has been greatly reduced while the legitimacy of the incentive payment policy has also been seriously questioned, all of which mentioned above triggered a series of policy revisions and finally the abolishment during 2011. This study aimed to investigate and discuss the embedded issues originating from the design of the incentive payment scheme. Also, the study attempted to look into the satisfaction of highway police with the incentive payment policy. Furthermore, it, based on the research findings, pointed out the suggestions for the future policy application. The highway incentive payment is based on the motivation theory. However, the study findings displayed the fact that the efficacy results of the highway police crackdowns showed no correlation with the incentive payment. Based on the discovery, the researcher wondered if the low satisfaction of the highway police towards the incentive payment policy resulted in their poor performance. The results of the questionnaire survey indicated that the majority of the police participants showed their positive attitudes towards the reward amount, the reward system design, the fairness of the rewards, and the opinion expression channels involved in the incentive payment policy. The regression analyses also pointed out that the moderators of work engagement, organizational commitment, and willingness of job transfer would enhance the interpretative power of the research model in this study. The results of the study are as follows: (1) the majority of the highway police participants showed their positive attitudes towards the incentive payment scheme, which proved that the poor crackdown efficacy was not the result of the low policy satisfaction, (2) the highway police incentive scheme showed the cost-benefit effectiveness, and therefore should be continue to be carried out, (3) the deficiency of the rewarding system embedded in the incentive payment policy should be corrected, and the authorities should acquire the legitimacy of the scheme, implement the supplementary measures, and respond actively to the public opinions/doubts towards the related issues, and (4) take good advantage of the high degree of job involvement and organizational commitment of the highway police to develop a professional image of the highway police bureau.


