  • 學位論文


Research of Lou Mian-Dao’s Nan Hua Zhen Jing xun ben

指導教授 : 徐聖心


本論文以「羅勉道《南華真經循本》研究」為題,探討宋代注解《莊子》的情形與特色。《南華真經循本》時常引用宋人說法,可知思想受到宋代很深的影響。其以循本為目的,主張追求莊子本意,批評歷來解莊的方法並非莊子本意,建立循本的方法,即重視古學與建立道家思想獨立性,體現《循本》強調真實與標舉道家的特色,進而探討循本的意義。並且羅氏受到宋代以來文學評莊的潮流影響,分析莊子為文情形,具體闡發寫作文章的作法與文章的結構。 思想上,從重要的主題來探討之。首先,討論逍遙者的問題,即大鵬是否逍遙,羅氏將大鵬視作比喻,認為莊子旨不在大鵬本身,逍遙以心為主體,藉形化隱喻心化,達到生命逍遙。進而羅勉道注解內篇有一套心的理論,以建構對內篇整體的理解。此外,也由於受到宋代理學的影響,重視客觀而普遍的理。最後,建立理想人格的形象,對〈逍遙遊〉中聖人、神人、至人進行分梳,又受到道教的影響,建立真人、仙人的形象。 第五章探討外雜篇的思想與特色,延伸內篇的內容,相同的有:以老子為宗的立場,並有世愈降的歷史觀。此章重點在比較與內篇的不同:其一,延伸理的內涵;其二加入性的相關說法;其三為宇宙論的建構,以成就脩道的目的;其四理想人格延伸「遺世獨立」形象,凸顯出外雜篇的特色。並且雜篇與外篇在思想上仍有不同,因此比較二者的差異。


宋代 羅勉道 南華真經循本 以文評莊


This essay aims to discuss the content and feature of the annotation of Lou Mian-Dao’s Nan Hua Zhen Jing xun ben in Sung Dynasty. Lou Mian-Dao, a Sung Dynasty person, often cites thoughts from the Sung Dynasty people, which indicates he was deeply affected by the Sung Dynasty. He aims to find the denotation of Zhuangzi. He criticized the annotation of ancient versions of Zhuangzi that they are unable to accurately interpret Zhuangzi. Therefore, in order to bridgs up the gap between the interpretations of Zhuangzi in pre-Qin and Sung Dynasty, he establishes a new systematic criterion by citing ancient information and the Taoism. Under the influence of literature critics from Sung Dynasty, he analyzes Zhuangzi’s literary wiriting styles and its structures. The fourth chapter chooses important themes to research the ideology in Zhuangzi. For instance, how to interpret the fable of huge Falcon?it can be a metaphor, that the change of body is not what Zhuangzi want to say, actually he indicates the change of heart. Therefore, Heart is the principal part and is artifice to the condition of free and unfettered. So he establishes a theory of Heart to comprehend Inner Chapter. And he finds an objective and universal logic in Inner chapter of Zhuangzi. Finally,he also classify the ideal personality, which also affected by the Taoism. The fifth cahpter compare character of Outer Chapter and Miscellaneous Chapter with the Inner chapter.There are same intension, for example, Laozi is the origin and the depravation philosophy. There are different intention,we can see from four significant diversities.


