  • 學位論文


China Socialist or Lost? The Quest for a Left Perspective on Development Strategy

指導教授 : 石之瑜


本研究希望透過分析Mark Selden與Carl Riskin兩位美國馬克思主義學者的作品,探討他們對於中國從改革開放後所歷經的經濟迅速成長,到近期引發出越來越嚴重的不平等問題的觀點與看法。 首先,Selden早期在五六零年代時,對於中國的觀察,主要是從「反帝」、「反戰」以及「社會主義發展」的角度切入,輔以他自身對於中國農村的瞭解與研究,綜合出他對於社會主義在中國的評價;再者,不同於Selden,Riskin對於中國的研究主要奠基於他對於「平等」、「貧窮」以及「人類發展」的關懷,他認為利用人類發展指數來觀察中國在不同時期,庶民生活中所存在的不平等與貧窮程度,更能瞭解中國社會所存在的真實問題。然而在改革開放前,外界對於中國的資料取得並不是那麼容易,再加上中共當局也有意塑造出中國在實踐社會主義後,國內發展繁榮的景象,因此導致當時許多觀察社會主義在中國發展情況的學者,並無法接觸到中國社會最真實的生活狀況,進而被中共所塑造出來的假像所誤導。但隨著改革開放的到來,原本許多被中共當局所隱匿的資料(如大饑荒等)也逐一攤現在世人的眼前。而那些早期對於社會主義在中國實踐曾懷抱希望的觀察家,也不得不開始修正自己早期對於中國的看法。 綜上所述,透過檢視曾經同為馬克思主義追隨者的Selden與Riskin是如何面對中國現今的改變,以及他們將如何調整其關懷中國的視角;同時,亦期盼藉由本研究來探討這個百分之九十以上的國家都走向資本主義的世界,馬克思主義以及它的跟隨者將如何自處?又或者馬克思主義的未來又在哪裡?


This thesis aims to explore two American China study scholars, Mark Selden and Carl Riskin. In the beginning of Selden’s academic career, he was interested in anti war and anti-imperialism. Because of these two concepts, he found that the communist China was quite interesting in the late 1950s, and also decided to devote himself into China study. Because of Selden’s hard work, he was invited to visit China as a scholar in the early 1970s. And after that he put lots of his effort on Chinese countryside and village; unlike Selden, Riskin found himself get attracted into China because of the social experiments, the Great Leap Forward for instance, that took place in China. That is to say, Riskin was quite interested in how those social experiments would influence to this developing socialism country. Because a lot of information which was hidden before was revealed after the Reform, therefore, Selden and Riskins’ view toward China were also changed a lot after that. After studying Selden and Riskins’ work and also analyzing their interview data, the author found that both of their studies focus on the inequality and poverty issues in China. So study and compare their studies could be good way to understand how the left side scholars would change after the China Reform; moreover, the studies might have a chance to point out the future for the Socialism.


黎安友(Andrew Nathan),<中國研究四十載>,<<思想>>,5,2007,頁7-52:38
許韋婷、張登及,2011,《悲劇或鬧劇? : 論Maurice Meisner眼中的中國》。


