  • 學位論文


Prose in Japanese-occupied Taiwan:Concept and Genealogy

指導教授 : 黃美娥


本論文以「日治時期臺灣現代散文」為研究對象及課題,建構日治時期臺灣文學當中的現代散文觀念與類型論述,並與臺灣戰後被營造出來的「美文傳統」進行研究對話,重探臺灣現代散文史的典律問題,嘗試讓過去以來較不受到學界矚目的「日治時期臺灣現代散文」重返臺灣現代散文史中的源流位置,並指出該課題之研究潛力與重要性。   本論文共分六章。第一章緒論概述研究動機、目的與意義,以及相關研究範疇、材料與方法,並回顧前行研究以及進行論文章節架構的說明。第二章處理日治時期臺灣文學當中的現代散文觀念,一方面探知時人如何思考散文之為文類,一方面則是藉由散文觀的考察梳理出日治散文的多元承繼脈絡,分別彰顯出臺灣本地古典散文、五四現代散文,以及日本近現代隨筆觀的影響,並藉此與由「美文傳統」所帶來的「五四源流論」對話。第三章處理日治時期臺灣現代散文的類型論議題,先對前行研究的諸多分類方向進行整理討論之後,再回歸文學史現場,以當時雜誌刊物的散文欄位以及散文名稱為材料,歸納出二十餘種散文類型並予以討論,同時透過類型論的建構,釐清當時對於散文的認知。第四章與第五章正式進入對於文本的討論,首先第四章探討日治時期在臺日人的日文隨筆創作,該議題是日治時期臺灣現代散文研究中最為缺乏的部分,故本章從基本概述做起,探討當時在臺日人日文隨筆作者群、發表場域與書寫題材的多元豐富性,並佐以個案研究,以青木繁(1893-1985)這位具有代表性意義的作者為討論對象,指出當時在臺日人日文隨筆的創作成就,並連結青木繁與鹿野忠雄、鳥居龍藏等人,以自然書寫為線索,找出日治與戰後散文牽連對話的可能性。第五章則是討論日治時期臺灣現代散文的「非美文」傳統,並專注於與戰後「美文傳統」在風格及題材上具有高度差異性的周定山散文作品以及在《臺灣民報》所發表的諸多「問題散文」,前者筆鋒尖銳著稱,其文多充滿批判與戰鬥精神,與溫柔婉約的「美文」相當不同。後者多以臺灣社會為主要書寫關懷,且作者汎及一般民眾,寫出社會百姓的問題與心聲,與重視作者私我內心世界的「美文」則又大異其趣。最後,由於戰後美文作家多為女性,於是亦以女性散文為研究脈絡,從場域變遷、範式轉移等角度,再次考察臺灣現代散文的典律問題。第六章結論為整本論文做出總結,帶出筆者的研究期許以及希冀後續研究能夠予以指正並推進該領域研究之意。


This paper focuses on the concept and genealogy of the prose in Japanese-occupied Taiwan. In the past, “Prose in Japanese-occupied Taiwan” as a research topic always had been ignored. To build up the research basis of this topic, I try to clarify the concept and genre of prose at that time. Furthermore, this paper tries to re-examine the tradition of poetic prose after War WorldⅡto reconstruct the Genealogy of prose in Taiwan Literature. This paper is divided into six sections. The motivation, purpose, significance, areas, material, and methodology of research are included in the introduction. In Chapter 2, by examining the concepts of prose research, I try to find out the pluralistic context of the prose in Japanese-occupied Taiwan. The concept of the prose in Japanese-occupied Taiwan was influenced by the Taiwan classical literature, May 4th literature, and modern Japanese literature. Chapter 3 processes the mode issue by generalizing the previous research, the name of columns of magazines and the titles of prose works in Japanese-occupied Taiwan. We can find out more than twenty modes of prose at that time. In other words, we can find out more than twenty ways about how prose was recognized at that time. Chapter 4 and 5 are text analysis. Chapter 4 tries to examine the prose works by the Japanese authors who lived in Japanese-occupied Taiwan and then conducts the case study. A very important author called Sigeru Aoki (1893-1985) composed a lot of prose works and had high writing consciousness of prose. The prose of Sigeru Aoki is nature writing; it is as important as Tadao Kano’s works. Chapter 5 focuses on the tradition of non-poetic prose in Japanese-occupied Taiwan, especially the Jou Ding Shan’s prose works and the prose works published in the “TAIWAN MINPAO”. These prose works were very critical and aggressive; it cared about the community too. These works are very different from the tradition of poetic prose which is soft and focuses on the author’s inner world only. Because most authors of poetic prose after War WorldⅡ were women, this chapter also compares the Female prose in the Japanese-occupied Taiwan and that after War WorldⅡ. In conclusion, more attention and passion should be contributed to the prose study, especially the prose during the Japanese occupation. And I will devote my time and my whole heart in this field.


吳明勇,《日治時期臺灣總督府中央研究所林業部之研究(1921-1939) : 以研究事業及其系譜為中心》(國立臺灣師範大學歷史學系,2005)。


