  • 學位論文


The Discipline and News Manufacturing of Photojournalists:A Case Study of Apple Daily Newspaper

指導教授 : 彭文正




《蘋果日報》 攝影記者 權力 場域 規訓


Compared to the value of news articles, the value of news photos have been underestimated for a long time in Taiwan. Similarly, photojournalists have been inferiors to journalists in status. However, in 2003, Apple Daily Newspaper, owned by a Hong-Kong media firm, entered the newspaper market in Taiwan. It set a trend toward putting more photos on newspaper layouts since then. Therefore, how much “power” do the photo supervisors and photojournalists of Apple Daily have? How is the discipline imposed on them? The research methods are in-depth interview and participant observation. The author interviewed five photo supervisors and four photojournalists of the Apple Daily, and does the participant observation to three photojournalists among the four. The research finds out that photo supervisors do have more opportunities to express their opinion in contrast to their counterparts of other newspaper, but they can only provide their opinion, not making a decision. For photojournalists, there are more possibilities for them to decide what photos to shoot and which photo to use, but as for front page and important news, the chance is slender. Furthermore, although photojournalists and their supervisors have heavy workloads and pressure of work, they enjoy sense of achievement from their work because of the better job titles and higher salary that Apple Daily offers.


Apple Daily Newspaper photojournalists power field discipline


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