  • 學位論文


Governing the Indigenous Communities: Nations and Citizenship in Chu-Ping Tribe

指導教授 : 黃長玲


短短幾百年的台灣史中,無論政權由哪任統治者易手,原住民族都沒有例外的成為國家強勢統治與現代化過程下的犧牲者。然而隨著90年代體制民主化,國家與社會關係驟然翻轉,原住民不再只是在統治由國家單向汲取資源的「人口」,而是有權利參與國家主權運作的「公民」主體,憲法更進一步保障少數族群體制性權利,但在此同時,近年來各地原住民社群與國家統治權的正面衝突卻不減反增,讓我們好奇少數族群作為民主體制下的公民,究竟如何經驗國家。 本文以南投縣仁愛鄉曲冰部落作為個案研究對象,循著人民的集體實作去理解國家權力在地方社會的運作形式,在描繪地方治理的圖像的同時,本文也關注部落人民究竟如何接受、運用與反抗國家統治。本文發現,「村」與「社區發展協會」在當代同時作為國家資源挹注於地方的體制性管道,是地方人民持續與國家互動的主要平台;然而,「村」或「社區」作為國家-地方社會力量交會之處,卻僅具國家單向、挹注資源的功能,缺乏納入地方人民參與決策的機制,這意味著現行的地方資源分配機制缺乏民主代表性與課責性,地方人民的需求往往無法在決策過程中被看見。本文更進一步發現,地方治理缺乏足夠的人民參與機制雖為地方社會普遍面臨的現況,但對於原住民社會而言,這意味著其所處的結構邊緣位置再度的被強化,同時也侵蝕並排擠了原住民族全體的文化權與生存權,而在地少數族社群始終無法取得參與體制決策的管道,正是近年來原住民運動遍地而起、並持續向國家要求自治權的主要原因。 最後,地方原住民所面對的國家體制,也同時是多數地方社會所處的結構環境,以民主治理的角度而言,本文不僅能為少數族群治理議題提供研究基礎,同時也照見地了方治理其民主代表性與課責性的不足,提供當代台灣民主治理與深化一個參考的視角。


In the short history of Taiwan spanning several centuries, its indigenous people have become a victim as a result of modernization and the state’s (or nation’s) dominating rule. However, because of democratization in the 1990s, state-society relations had experienced drastic changes; indigenous people had evolved from being a “population” treated as resources by the state to “citizens” with the rights to participate in national sovereignty operations. The constitution further validated the minority rights of the indigenous people. Nevertheless, democracy seems only ensures their rights ostensibly: the confrontations between the indigenous community and the state have never ceased over recent years. Determining how minority groups “experience” the state as citizens of a democratic system thus becomes a fascinating topic. In this study, the citizens of the Chu-Ping Tribe, Ren-Ai Township, Nantou County were selected as the study subjects. The way state authority operates in the local society was studied by examining the indigenous community’s day-to-day life in which they confront the rule of the state. We found “village” and “community development association” as the basis of the administrative system, are served as institutional channels to allocate national resources to the local society. However, in reality, these villages and community associations only serve the only function of resource-supply; mechanisms allowing local people to participate in the decision-making of the state remain deficient. This signifies the lack of democratic representation and accountability in the existing local resource allocation mechanism, which accounting for the situation that the needs of the indigenous communities are constantly overlooked during the decision-making process. We further found that despite the lack of adequate mechanisms allowing people to participate in local governance being a common phenomenon, the negative effects that this has on indigenous community is even more overwhelming: it indicates that the their inferior position within the current structure has been amplified and that their cultural and living rights have been violated. The lack of a channel for the minority groups to participate in the decision-making process of the state is the primary reason contributing to the rise in indigenous people movements the demand for autonomy over recent years. The indigenous people face the same predicaments as the other major communities concerning inadequate national system. From a democratic governance perspective, this study not only provided a foundation facilitating the study of minority group governance, but it also revealed the lack of democratic representation and accountability in the existing local governance system. This revelation is one that may be used to improve Taiwan’s democratic governance.


