  • 學位論文


The study of characters’ transition from closure mindset to the social interaction in Haruki Murakami’s literatures - case studies among Norwegian Wood, South of the Border, West of the Sun and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

指導教授 : 范淑文


中文摘要   村上春樹的文學作品不僅在作者母國日本備受歡迎,在世界各國也陸續翻譯成冊,廣受喜愛。不過,在村上春樹文學研究方面,個別的作品研究雖然已有相當數量,有關作品間的思想推移或是關聯性的研究相對較少。   村上春樹文學中有幾個特徵,其中一個顯著的特徵是主角的「封閉性」。與他人、社會保持一定距離,待在自身天地中,像這樣「封閉」的生活方式是村上春樹文學中,主角常採用的態度。這樣的態度同時也讓人聯想到現代社會中,人際關係的疏離,某種程度上可說是反映了當代現況。   但是,自《聽風的歌》以來,《1973年的彈珠玩具》、《尋羊冒險記》等作品中,主角所一貫保持著,無特定理由地安於處在自身構築之「封閉世界」的態度,以《挪威的森林》為分水嶺,之後的作品中伴隨著「想有所接觸的他人」的登場,可看出主角有了想與他人在「現實世界」中生活下去的轉變。   本研究以《挪威的森林》、《國境之南,太陽之西》、《發條鳥年代記》為中心,關注作品間的關聯性之餘,為了正確地掌握主角與其他角色所背負的煩惱、心情與心境變化等,以村上春樹小說中常見的情節反覆、身體上的變化為憑據進行論證。除了考察在安於「封閉世界」中的心情逐漸變化的情況下,主角是如何致力於擺脫「封閉世界」,尋求在「現實世界」中生活的可能外,對於其他角色所代表的生存模式也進行了探討。   透過這些方式,本研究在刻劃出該時期村上春樹文學中,主角從自我本位轉變成為他人奮鬥的成長軌跡之餘,也揭示了作品中呈現的,對於人生中的難關、與他人交流時無可避免的傳達及理解之困難該如何克服,以及和他人共同生活下去的生存模式。  關鍵字:村上春樹、封閉、現實感喪失、同理心、回復、成長、生存模式


Abstract As a well-loved modern writer in his native Japan, Haruki Murakami’s literatures also gain widespread popularity internationally. Compared to substantial researches focusing on his single novel, the topic on thinking shift of certain novels during a period are relatively fewer. According to Hear the Wind Sing, Pinball, 1973 and A Wild Sheep Chase, one of the most noticeable features in Haruki Murakami’s literatures is main characters’ “closure ”. Main characters always keep a certain distance from social interaction world, enjoying themselves in their own closed world. This closure lifestyle not only associates interpersonal isolation, but also reflects current condition nowadays. However, this closure feature seems to have turned in his subsequent novels after Norwegian Wood. With the emergence of someone who main characters want to interact, they show shift from closure mindset to living with others in the real world. This study focused on Norwegian Wood, South of the Border, West of the Sun, and The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Then, illustrated characters’ anxiety and mental change based on the examples of common plots’ repetitiveness, physical change inside the novels. When main characters’ mindset change, the study also explored issues “how they try to find ways out of closed world, further seeking possibilities in the real world” and “other characters’ survival modes”. After these analyses, the study concludes main characters’ growth from self-centeredness to fighting for others. Meanwhile, describes how to overcome life's unexpected problems, inevitable difficulties in communication during interpersonal interaction, as well as the survival mode lived with others. Keywords: Haruki Murakami, Closure, Derealization, Empathy, Recovery, Growth, Survival mode


Haruki Murakami Closure Derealization Empathy Recovery Growth Survival mode


1. 村上春樹「ねじまき鳥と火曜日の女たち」『パン屋再襲撃』文藝春秋(2011.3 新装版第1刷)
2. 村上春樹『ノルウェイの森(上)』講談社(2010.10 第38刷(2004.9 第1刷)
3. 村上春樹『ノルウェイの森(下)』講談社(2010.10 第35刷(2004.9 第1刷)
4. 村上春樹『国境の南、太陽の西』講談社(2011.11 第55刷(1995.10 第1刷)
