  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Core Competence and Continuous Growth Strategy of an Established Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


在快速技術進步與全球競爭的時代,越來越多的企業逐漸走向成熟階段,面臨既有的產業規模萎縮、新競爭者的進入、或差異化的競爭,導致企業競爭力衰退而無法持續成長的現象,而企業經營者卻又無法有效進行轉型變革的窘境;這往往成為整體經濟發展與社會安定的隱憂。 有鑑於此,本研究根據核心能力的理論框架,以及衍生的策略分析與管理工具,利用個案AK公司所面臨的問題與困境,進行策略診斷與分析,並據以提出一套以重塑核心能力為基礎,得以發展出具成長性事業方向的可行策略架構;所運用的工具包括:”核心事業問診單”、”核心能力地圖”等,前者可以協助企業診斷現有核心能力的相關問題,後者則是協助企業重新審視受忽略的資產或是能力,重新定位核心能力, 找出下一個核心事業。根據這些診斷與分析,本研究再以策略活動系統圖呈現對個案公司的策略建議,與相對應需要進行的組織管理變革活動。 身為企業經營者,為了公司永續經營與持續成長,必須兼具由內而外與由外而內的思維,並據以建立核心能力的策略架構,擬定持續成長的策略,以進行組織的變革管理,不僅僅只是產品本身,也包含組織文化的變革。在此個案研究的基礎上,本研究並提出對於運用核心能力觀念於解決企業持續成長問題的若干建議。


In the era of fast technological change and global competition, more and more enterprises would face various critical challenges due to shrinking market or threat from new entrants who use differential product strategy and better value-added services to customers. These external threats gradually make an established firm obsolete and difficult to grow in value. Even worse situation comes with the leadership deficiency of the mature company, which eventually will further creater problems to the society. To address this kind of concern, the present thesis undertakes a case-base research based on AK Company and focuses on how the theoretical framework of core competence, proposed by CK Prahalad and Gary Hamel, can help to turn around an established company who fails to achieve continuous growth. With the support of this framework, we develop various tools to diagnose and guide the establishment of strategic architecture based on renewed core competence for the case company so that the company can pursue her growth momentum. As far as the managerial tools are concerned, we use Check List of Core Business to help find out the major problems of company and draw Map of Core Competence which helps redefine the new core competence that may lead to the next core business. We then use Strategic Activity System (SAS) to layout the strategic architecture for the case company to execute. As a strategic leader for an established company, it is very important to find out or re-build company core competence, upon which corporate culture change and a strategic architecture for continuous growth can be based. Finally, implications of applying core competence concept to drive corporate renewal and suggestions to established companies for continuous growth are discussed.


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民間出版物,2013,物聯網行業: 第三次信息產業浪潮,北京: 交銀國際。


