  • 學位論文


Analysis of Marketing Activities and Competitive Strategies in Taiwan’s Credit Card Industry

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


本研究整理2009年至2013年金融監督管理委員會信用卡業務的統計數據,並在聯合知識庫的全文報紙資料庫蒐集前五大發卡銀行逐日的行銷動態,藉由敘述性統計、迴歸模型和質化歸納分析來探討影響顧客流入(發卡數)與顧客貢獻度(單卡簽帳金額)的行銷要素,以及五家銀行的行銷活動特性與競爭策略。 研究發現產品上市大致能提昇兩個月的發卡數,而促銷活動(即使新戶活動)無法推升發卡數,顯示產品特色扮演關鍵的角色。此外,活動創新者及無跟隨效應的創新活動有助提升單卡簽帳金額。前者是銀行以新型態推出顧客熟悉的活動,故創新擴散速度快,單卡貢獻度能短期提升。後者是因為當創新活動的發起成本高,競爭者就難快速回應,可避免差異化的效果被削弱,活動成效相對佳。 前五大銀行的競爭策略分析上,中國信託在流通卡數與簽帳金額上,為市場領導者,其競爭策略以維持與擴大市佔率為主,也與其他銀行共同擴大市場需求。國泰世華的行銷活動雖然不多,但善用集團優勢來提升市場地位,並以側翼攻擊和正面攻擊策略立足於購物類別。花旗銀行則以休閒娛樂需求作為側翼攻擊的切入點,並推出整合性的優惠活動趁勝追擊。花旗銀行在活卡率與單卡簽帳金額上是領先者,因此常是其他銀行模仿的對象,然而其行動多屬策略型,競爭對手難在短時間內反擊。玉山銀行致力於經營每個「小到可以稱霸」的市場區隔,使其市佔率連年成長,並保持適度的差異化來跟隨市場領導者的行動。台新銀行則常以昔日市場老二的姿態回應市場先驅所發起的行動,這正面迎擊、全面回應的模式不但容易分散火力,也難做出差異化。


This thesis studies the marketing mix and competitive strategies in Taiwan’s credit card industry. First, the related official statistics and the news articles were collected. Second, the market was researched by means of descriptive statistics, regression models and qualitative research. The results indicate that product competitiveness plays a critical role in the changes in the number of credit cards issued monthly. In addition to innovative promotional activities, marketing activities that no other competitors follow are positively related to the changes in the monthly transaction amounts per card. Because in the short term competitors find it difficult to respond to these activities which both require high capital investments, the activities can lead to more transaction amounts. The top 5 issuers have developed different strategies to maintain their current market positions. China Trust is the market leader in the number of the credit cards in circulation and of the total transaction amounts while Citibank is the leader in the effective-card-ratio and of the monthly transaction amounts per card. China Trust continually makes efforts to maintain its market share as well as creates product demand. Although Cathay does not initiate lots of marketing activities, it takes advantage of its parent company for growth. On the other hand, Citibank focuses on entertainment demand and provides “all in one” services. E.SUN targets small but valuable market segments, and follows early movers with some minor differentiation. Taishin often respond fast to what market leaders do, so is likely to lose focus and hard for it to build up customer loyalty.


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