  • 學位論文


A Policy Network Empirical Analysis of Taiwan's Emerging Technology Industry Development Programs

指導教授 : 陳明通


本研究以「台灣新興科技產業發展方案政策網絡實證分析」為研究題目,即探討政府推動六大新興產業(生物科技、綠色能源、精緻農業、觀光拔尖、健康照護與文化創意)暨雲端運算產業(即七大新興產業)發展其相關科技產業發展方案政策績效應如何有效且持續地被評估成為本研究重要的課題。 本研究欲以政策網絡理論之辯證途徑及其模型經結構方程模型(式)(Structural Equation Models,SEM)暨使用 IBM SPSS AMOS結構方程模型軟體修正後以作為本研究所提出科技產業發展方案政策網絡結構分析模型,並運用Gephi網絡結構分析暨網絡數據可視化軟體來進行相關複雜網絡結構實證量化分析與網絡結構圖形視覺優化以驗證台灣七大新興產業相關科技產業發展方案間,個別科技產業發展方案政策網絡所實證出複雜網絡分析數據的差異,來做為未來新興科技產業發展方案政策修正與研擬時之參考依據。 透過微觀層面的個別科專政策網絡特性的實證分析可以驗證出本研究所提「科技產業發展方案政策網絡結構分析模型」;透過中觀層面的個別科技產業發展方案複雜網絡結構特性的實證分析可驗證並分析比較七大新興科技產業在相關個別科專聚合為新興科技產業政策網絡複雜網絡結構後網絡特性之差異;透過微觀層面的個別計畫主持人(PI)歷年複雜網絡結構特性的實證分析可驗證並分析比較個別計畫主持人所主持歷年來相關個別科專聚合為歷年動態網絡複雜網絡結構後網絡特性之差異。 本研究實證分析驗證出微觀層面88個個別科專、中觀層面七大新興科技產業與鉅觀層面七大新興產業聚合等三層面全數相關政策網絡複雜網絡結構與特性分析暨圖形化分析,因此本研究所提出「科技產業發展方案政策網絡結構分析模型」得以完全驗證,並提出中觀層面七大新興科技產業與鉅觀層面七大新興產業聚合及微觀同一計畫主持人歷年五個個別科專聚合等相關9個敘述性分析程序相關數據分析彙整表與9複雜網絡結構分析程序相關測量數據分析彙整表以及9個政策網絡模體圖形化複雜網絡結構作為圖形化範例作為本研究結果。


A policy network empirical analysis of Taiwan's emerging technology industry development programs using to research the policy network dialectical relationships and to evaluate performance of government policy subsidy for promoting industries development is a very important thesis issue. The thesis uses policy networks dialectical approach to modify a model and researches in estimating, analyzing and graph-drawing for the policy networks of emerging technology industry development programs in Taiwan, it makes use of IBM SPSS AMOS (Structural Equation Models,SEM) and Gephi 0.8.2 beta for Mac to compute all real data of sampling survey, after analyzing to demonstrate the complex networks structure characteristics with several analysis processes such as average degree, average weighted degree, diameter/graph distance, average path length, number of shortest paths, number of shortest paths, modularity, number of communities, number of weakly/strongly connected components, clustering coefficient, average clustering coefficient, average weighted clustering coefficient, average node strength, eigenvector centrality sum change, average path length, link communities partition density, average neighborhood overlap, average embeddedness and ForceAtlas2 graph-drawing. The conclusion reveals a special significance of the policy network empirical analysis research model and also draws out all complex networks structure motifs in Macro-level (network convergence of 7 emerging technology industries), Meso-level ( 7 emerging technology industries) and Micro-level ( 88 Research Projects). The thesis research successfully tests and verifies all complex networks structure characteristics of Taiwan's emerging technology industry development programs and generates 9 major correlative measurement data compiled charts and 9 major motifs graphical complex network structure of these correlative policy networks. Therefore, these research results could provide a reference to our government for policy-making in the future.


Lin, Nan (2001). Building a Network Theory of Social Capital. Pp.3-29 in Social Capital: Theory and Research, edited by Nan Lin, Karen Cook, and Ronald S. Burt. New York: Aldine de Gruyter.
王思峰,鄭尹茹(2005)。〈線上與線下世界的交錯: 校園線上學習的社會網絡分析〉,《資訊社會研究》卷數(8):155-192。
