  • 學位論文


A Cost Effectiveness Case Study of PV System Setting Up On Pigpens

指導教授 : 雷立芬


摘要 本研究以位居彰化縣溪湖鎮之微笑豬豬舍興建四座500KW太陽能光電發電場為案例,採用回收期間法(Payback Period method)、淨現值法( Net Present Value method;NPV)、內部報酬率(IRR)評估養豬業者裝置太陽能光電板發電所帶來的經濟效益。採高架式施工,在夏季畜舍溫度下降2-3度,讓每頭豬可減少300元的飼養成本。個案之資料,比對PV製造商發電產能數據,得到下列結果: 一、四座500KW太陽能光電發電場,以A場財務效益最佳,以回收期間 法計算約7.89年回收成本、NPV值為25,811,448元、IRR值為 11.15 %。D場財務效益較差,約10.71年回收成本、NPV值為 15,455,718元、IRR值為6.86 %。 二、A場2013年全年發電量為655,331(度)、發電躉售收入5,025,870 (元)、1KW日發電量3.6(度),符合期望值。2014年5/30-7/15雲端 統計B場發電量為94,661 (度)、1KW日發電量4.02(度);C場發電 量為91,801 (度)、1KW日發電量3.91(度);D場發電量為96,963 (度)、1KW日發電量4.12(度);B、C、D三場1KW日發電量都趨近4 (度),符合期望值。 三、座向架設傾斜角分析結果:1-5月座向以南向6∘效率大於西向 6∘效率大於北向6∘效率;6-7月座向以北向6∘效率大於西向 6∘、南向6∘效率。 綜合而言,養豬業者投資太陽能發電的應在躉購價格5.2元/度以上、或資金成本3.5 %以下,才具有投資可行性。


Abstract The purpose of this case study is to research the effects of 500 KW solar photovoltaic investment in Xihu Township, Changhua County. The participants are four 500 KW solar photovoltaic power plants, Smile Pig Farm. The data were analyzed by Payback Period method, Net Present Value method, and IRR to evaluate the economic benefits about solar photovoltaic investment by the pig-raising dealer. With the overhead construction, it helps the pig house drop two to three degrees in summer, and reduce the raising cost about 300 dollars per pig. The results of the copmparative data of PV manufacturer's electric power production are as follows. 1.Plant A has the best financial benefits. It recovers acquisition cost in around 7.89 years; the NPV is 25,811,448 dollars, and the IRR is 11.15 %. The plant D has less financial benefits. It recovers acquisition cost in around 10.71 years; the NPV is 15,455,718 dollars, and the IRR is 6.86 %. 2.The generated energy of the plant A is 655,331 kilowatt- hour in 2013, feed-in tariff is 5,025,870 dollars, and 1KW is 3.6 kilowatt-hour. The plant A matches the expected value. Besides, the generated energy of the plant B is 94,661 kilowatt-hour from 30th May to 15th July in 2014, and 1KW is 4.02 kilowatt-hour. The generated energy of the plant C is 91,801 kilowatt-hour, and 1KW is 3.91 kilowatt-hour. The generated energy of the plantD is 96,961 kilowatt-hour, and 1KW is 4.12 kilowatt-hour. The 1KW of the plant B, C and D is approaching 4 kilowatt-hour, and these three plants also match the expected value. 3.Based on the results of angle of inclination positions, different positions have different efficiency. From January to May, 6∘of the southern position is greater than 6 of the western position and greater the 6∘of the northern position. From June to July, 6 of the northern position is greater than 6∘of the western position and greater the 6∘of the southern position. In a word, for the pig-raising dealer, it is worthy to invest solar photovoltaic power plants when the wholesale price is over 5.2 dollars per degree, or the cost is under 3.5 %.


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