  • 學位論文

O2O 商業模式及策略之研究

A Study of O2O Business Model and Strategy

指導教授 : 陳鴻基


因應行動通訊(3G,4G,5G)普及電子商務的競爭,實體通路經營環境面臨虛擬通路極大的競爭,特別是新世代大都在網路手機等環境成長,使用手機購物比例已逐年升高。傳統實體通路對於運用網路科技增加自身的競爭力,有著迫切的需要.而網路科技有電子商務、行動 APP 、CRM 客戶關係管理、社交網站等眾多資訊工具,企業應採用何種工具來強化自身的競爭力是目前實體通路業者的一大課題。 近年隨著整體科技環境逐步成熟及業者需要,已逐步發展成熟的 O2O (Online to Offline) 商業模式成為實體通路業者與虛擬通路競爭的一道良方,為實體通路業者急需研究發展的重要方向。然各家業者因本身產業特性不同,所採用的策略及運用資訊工具亦有所不同。要如何跨入O2O的商業模式及可能要考量的各種因素, 對一般傳統零售業者並不熟悉? 本研究針對 O2O 相關文獻及市面上知名個案進行研究分析,歸納出跨入 O2O 營運模式所需遵循的步驟及應考量的相關技術, 以供有興趣跨入O2O 商業模式的業者參考。


In response to competition in mobile communications (3G, 4G, 5G) the popularity of e-commerce, the physical channel management environment faces the virtual channel tremendous competition. Especially, the new generation use mobile phones, and the internet environment and e-commerce grows up year by year. Traditional physical channel should access to use Internet technology to increase their competitiveness, with an urgent need. Recent years O2O (Online to Offline) business model are important for physical and virtual channel. There are many factors need to consider while implement O2O business model, but traditional retailers are generally not familiar with them. This study analyze the well-known case studies, summarized into O2O mode of operation required to follow the steps and related technologies should be considered for interested O2O business model into the industry reference.


O2O online to offline e commerce integration synergy


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