  • 學位論文

行動社群電子商務趨勢探討 — 以亦朋科技為例

A Study of Trends of E-Commerce among Mobile and Social Network Development

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥


應用手機等移動終端的上網比重愈來愈高,帶動了社群商務、地緣商務及行動商務SoLoMo(Social, Local, Mobile)匯流加速發展,新時代電子商務爆發的龐大商機指日可待。本文針對台灣地區新創行動商務業者,試圖打造出高效率運作、多元化應用、以辦公室集購及餐飲業態做為商業模式的雲端電子商務平台進行可行性研究及進入優劣勢分析。 本文以亦朋科技Jome平台為研究對象,亦朋科技擁有「行動通訊群組購物車」專利,採取雙網協同架構,提供使用者以Web及智慧型手機�app進行社群商務(Social Commerce)之購買行為;更藉由多樣化雲端商務工具與行銷方案,讓商家在最短時間內、低成本負擔下,協助地緣性消費群體進行有效率的連結與互動。 行動社群商務市場發展日新月異,競爭激烈下趨向「大者恆大」態勢,諸如亦朋科技這樣規模較小、資源較少的新創事業,如何調整建構核心能力,取得競爭優勢為本研究關注焦點。研究過程除訪談相關事業核心成員,並且透過文獻探討方式,針對電子商務、社群網站商務等相關產業進行現況了解,透過SWOT分析、五力分析和PEST等分析工具,了解產業內外部的發展與競爭現況,再對個案的經營模式做探討。本文的研究目的,在於探討行動上網結合社群商機大爆發即將來臨之時,新創事業如何突圍,然而受限於時間因素,新創事業經營實績仍較少,仍須等待時間證明研究結果。


SoLoMo 行動上網 社群 電子商務 商業模式


The proportion of mobile internet is increasing to a higher level, driven SoLoMo , short for social-local-mobile, refers to a more mobile-centric version of the addition of local entries to search engine results. SoLoMo emerged as a result of the growing popularity of smartphones, and provides greater local precision to search engine results than what’s available via a PC. This paper illustrates how a Taiwanese startup company “ Yi-peng Technology” which implemented SoLoMo concepts and telecommunication technology to creates a new group buying business model called “Jome”, a platform specialized in taking office group orders in short period of time. The app “Jome” and website collaborate with restaurants and gift shops in Taiwan, provides Delivery Service, QR Code Order, and Social Forum on mobile phone for group customers. Available on both iOS and Android. Nowadays, group buying business model in the world including Taiwan is highly competitive, and customers are not happy with it duo to the low price reducing the quality as well. For example, We all know that Groupon’s problems probably stem as much from its business model as its leadership. Larger retailers prefer to control their own deals, while smaller merchants often find themselves shelling out big fees to get listed on Groupon and similar sites, only to be overwhelmed by deal seekers. There are only so many half-price offers and the quality is nothing more than that. In the study of “ Yi-peng Technology”, we can learn how a small enterprise survive competing with huge E-commerce Monsters such as Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.— which is preparing to launch perhaps the largest U.S. stock listing ever of a Chinese company—dominates China’s e-commerce market. . I did research and collected data and theory on relevant internet model including e-commerce, online shopping, social media and mobile internet development for further analysis. Since “ Yi-peng Technology” is a rather young company in the market, we need more time and data to prove the outcome of the study is true.


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