  • 學位論文


From Situation to Reality:The Transformational Processes of High-Risk Youth Participated in the Experiential Education

指導教授 : 陳毓文


青少年在成長過程將歷經許多轉換期,時常需要面對新需求,進而廣泛挑戰各種活動,期待從中找出新的生活適應方式,由於青少年具有大膽嘗試的特性,社工便能結合此獨特性與體驗教育的效益,讓他們有機會進行比較符合社會規範的體驗教育活動,尤其是曾經或現在處於負向社會互動的高風險青少年,提供其從事冒險行為的管道。然而,過去研究顯示,體驗教育的確能夠在活動結束後的當下具有立即效果,卻少有研究針對青少年透過體驗教育所經歷的新生命經驗對於日常生活有何影響進行探究。 因此,本研究採取質性研究法,共與四名曾參與體驗教育,且活動形式為長期戶外冒險營隊的高風險青少年進行訪談,研究分析以跨理論模式為基礎架構,分析受訪者參與體驗教育後的轉化歷程,而研究發現受訪者於營隊期間的經驗對未來的學業、職業或個性上皆有其意義,尤其是心理層面與社會層面的效益,在結束營隊後仍能在日常生活中維持。由此可知,參與體驗教育對青少年而言不只是新鮮、有趣,同時具有冒險性與挑戰性,更是一個改變自我的契機,社會工作者因而能從高風險青少年參與體驗教育之經驗中,協助少年內化學習經驗並透過學習轉移技巧加強各時期的連接性,使改變不只存在活動情境,而是落實於生活實境裡。


When go through a lot of transition, teenagers will face new demands and challenge activities, expecting to find other ways to adapt. Because teenagers like to try many bold things, social workers can combine the benefit of the characteristics and experiential education and giving them a chance to participate in the experiential education activities (EE activities). In particular, the social workers also can provide the high-risk youth who have been or now in negative social interaction a normal way to take risk behaviors. According to the past research, there is the immediately effect that participated the EE activities in the moment, however, few research indicated the youth how to apply the new experience from experiential education to the daily life. Therefore, qualitative research design was used in this study. There are four research participants who have taken part in the EE activities that were long-term outdoor adventure programs and the data collected by the interview. And Applying the Transtheoretical Model to analyze high-risk youth participated in the experiential education. This study found that research participants have learned from the EE activities, including the academic, vocational or personality. The effectiveness of psychological and social dimension can also be maintained after the end of camp life. From this research, the experience of education for high-risk youth is the opportunity to change themselves, as a result, social workers can make use of the participated experience, assisting the high-risk youth use and apply the learning experience and to strengthen the connection of each period by factor that enhance the transfer of learning through adventure activities. Then high-risk youth not only change in the situation, but the implementation in reality.


王淑芳、顏效禹、李思招 、何佩玲、張碧芳、呂昌明(2007)。台北市國中學生運動行為之研究-跨理論模式之應用。學校衛生,50,23-38。
