  • 學位論文


A Study on Fruits and Vegetables Wholesale Market at Farm-Gate Level in Tiawan

指導教授 : 雷立芬


針對農產品之特性,為了健全運銷秩序,臺灣早在1981年就制定公布《農產品市場交易法》明確揭示了臺灣果菜批發市場的社會定位與發展功能。1982年訂定並施行《農民團體共同運銷輔導獎勵監督辦法》透過共同運銷確立農產品運銷秩序,保障生產者。雖然臺灣果菜批發市場不得以營利為目的的公用事業身份,卻同時有高達63.5%者以公司型態經營,34.6%以農民團體型態者經營,投資比例上公務機構佔總體46.5%而農民團體佔了50.8%,其中比較特殊的例子就是依據《農產品市場交易法》第12條規定,以農民、販運商為經營主體,所共同組成的果菜批發市場。雖然同屬果菜批發市場,法令卻又明文限制,不得有任何政府補助、土地取得、稅捐減徵等優待。屏九市場正是全台唯一受此限制的產地批發市場。面對各種外在的限制與弱勢,屏九市場如何善用己身優勢,甚至與國際接軌,成為一項重大考驗。 本研究以質性研究為主軸,首先回顧與批發市場相關之文獻,並從法規以及次級資料,整理批發市場、特別是果菜批發市場之經營現況。其次,以屏九市場為例,探討發展條件最受限制之果菜批發市場轉型模式。屏九市場礙於法令規範,在很多方面都不能得到政府的補貼,雖然批發市場是公用事業不得以營利為目的,但是長期處於虧損狀態亦不利於周邊農民之生計。在台灣市場胃納有限的情況下,短期或可以拓展北部地區平價餐飲連鎖店的銷售,不但平穩餐飲採購食材物價波動,還可以增加次級品疏通管道與有效吸收季節性的增量產品,而減少排他效應的發生。長期而言,仍應積極轉型為農產品國際行銷公司並且建立自有品牌,以地利之便集中生產並出口特定農產品,不但帶動屏東地區農業生產型態升級,也達到批發市場永續經營的目的。


While aiming at the characteristics of agricultural products and in order to improve its marketing order, Taiwan promulgated, in 1981, the “Agricultural Products Market Transaction Act” to clearly reveal the positioning of the Taiwan agricultural wholesale market in the society, and its development functions. Prepared and implemented in 1982, the “Farmers’ Group Joint-Marketing Training Rewards And Supervision Measures” established a joint marketing venture to safeguard the interests of producers. Although Taiwan agricultural wholesale market should not mainly aim for profits, while wearing its public utility identity, still 63.5% of the operators use private companies operating patterns, while 34.6% use farmers organizations to do business. As far as investment ratio is concerned, public institutions account for 46.5% while farmers organizations reach 50.8% and one very particular example is Article 12 of the “Agricultural Products Market Transaction Act” that stipulates that farmers and shippers of agricultural products are business entities to operate agricultural wholesale market. Although they belong to this market, but the Act expressly limits government subsidy, land acquisition, tax reduction and other benefits. The Jiuru market in Pingtung is effectively the only wholesale market in Taiwan that is affected by such restrictions on place of origin. Faced with a variety of external limitations and vulnerability, Jiuru market relies, instead, on how to use to its best, the advantages of its location, even with international standards and this is a major test. In this study, qualitative research is the principal axis. First we reviewed all the information related to the wholesale market sector, the regulations as well as secondary data and reorganized, particularly, the operating status of the agricultural wholesale market. Secondly, taking Jiuru market in Pingtung as example, we discussed on the most restrictive conditions of transformation approach of the market. Due to legal restrictions, Jiuru market cannot get any government subsidy, though agricultural wholesale market is a non-profit public service, but long-term loss of money is not conducive to neighboring farmers means of subsistence. Due to the limited size of the Taiwan market, one can only expand sales in the short-term to fast-food chains in northern Taiwan. Not only prices of catering ingredients are smooth but seasonal incremental costs can also be absorbed, thus reducing its exclusive effects on the market. In the long run, we should actively work towards a transition to an international agricultural marketing company and establish its own brand, so as to concentrate on the production and export of specific agricultural products, not only promoting produce from Pingtung area, but also achieving a sustainable development in the agricultural wholesale market.


翁嘉禧、吳靜芝(2011),「零關稅對臺灣水果外銷中國的影響」,《 人文社會科學研究》、5-2:34∼55。


