  • 學位論文


The Study of Birth Mother's Adoption Reunion Experience

指導教授 : 鄭麗珍


隨著收養觀念的逐漸開放,尋親重聚變得更為可行,需求也逐漸增加。然而面對一個法律關係已「失去」,但血緣上卻無可替代的親子關係,對親生母親來說重聚的整體經驗為何?目前文獻上少有探討。因此本研究描述親生母親與其出養子女在分離多年後親子重聚的主觀經驗。 本研究採用質性研究方法,深度訪談六位與出養子女重聚過的親生母親。研究結果顯示,親生母親要面對一連串的艱難與選擇,社會對未婚生育女性及出養人的污名,成為親生母親一輩子脫不去的重擔,讓親生母親無奈出養子女,也讓出養子女一事成為生命中不能說出口的秘密,即便是重聚後也仍舊感受社會壓力的無所不在。而面對子女的尋親重聚請求,也讓她們再次經歷過去的生命,儘管情緒複雜,但最終親生母親因考量孩子利益以及自己的內在需求,而接受被出養子女的重聚邀請。 而重聚經驗是另一段複雜的情緒之旅,因為重回過去、祕密被揭露而再次經歷傷痛與焦慮,但也因重新連結、得到諒解而感受療癒與釋放。而研究結論也彙整親生母親在不同重聚歷程中的關切焦點與發展任務,以提供實務工作者協助親生母親進行重聚會面的準備。 最後,也分別對社會大眾、實務工作者、親生母親以及未來研究方向等提出建議,以為國內相關收出養福利服務規劃及提供親生母親未來面對被出養子女的重聚需求時的參考。


尋親 重聚 親生母親


The openness of adoption makes searching and reunion possible and its need increases with time. For the birth mothers facing the irreplaceable parent-child relationship but legally disconnected, what does their reunion experience? Currently, the topic is hardly discussed in the literature. The purpose of this study is to describe the subjective reunion experience of the birth mothers after they separated with their own children for years. This study used qualitative research method and in-depth interviews were made. A total of six birth mothers who had reunion experience were interviewed. The result showed that the birth mothers had to bear the lifelong burdens that the society stigmatized the unwed women and the identity as birth mothers of the adoptees in addition to a series of hardship and difficult choices. The burdens made the birth mothers have no choice to place the child for adoption and it become the secret in the family. Even after the reunion, the social pressure was all around them. With the request of the searching and reunion from the adoptees, the birth mothers re-experienced their past. In spite of the complicated feelings, they finally accept the request thinking of the adoptees’ interest and their own inner needs. Reunion experience was a trip of complicated emotions. Returning the past and the revealed secrets made the birth mothers re-experience the grief and loss. Meanwhile, the reconnection and being forgiven helped them heal and released. The conclusion of this study also collected and organized their concerns and the development tasks of the birth mothers in different reunion process in order to provide that the practitioners prepared the birth mothers for reunion. At last, this study submitted the suggestions to the society, the practitioners, the birth mothers and the future research for a reference of the planning of adoption welfare services and of the birth mothers while they faced the adoptees’ needs of reunion.


Searching Reunion Birthmother


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