  • 學位論文


Automatic Recognition, Identification and Maintenance Threshold Determination for Pavement Markings Master Thesis

指導教授 : 周家蓓


台灣在標線相關的法規中,主要集中於規範標線漆的材料、標線劃設的地點、格式和其代表意義,對於維護的標準只有「交通管制規範與設計手冊-交通標線篇」有提及,雖然如此,該規範對於重繪的標準描述甚少且並未記述該標準如何量測。現行標線維護時間多在道路進行新鋪或整修之後,其他時間則仰賴人眼目視判斷,此方法既不客觀又相當費時,但道路標線提供駕駛人包含警告、禁制、指示等重要導引訊息,與行車安全息息相關,故應將標線維持在良好的狀態下,以保持其既有的功能,因此,檢驗與維護便顯格外重要,有必要針對標線維護標準制定一個完整的規範。在先前的研究中,有學者提出利用PPS-2005雷射掃描儀,應用其雷射回波強度隨鋪面材質改變而有所差異的進行各式標線的辨識,由於該研究於台灣完成且結果良好,因此適合以此為基礎上進行更深入的研究。 本研究提出改良後的完整度計算方法,可以更精確地描述現地標線的磨損狀況,而後對於標字、指向標線、行人穿越道線進行大規模的範圍檢測,以二值化圖片所構成的問卷訪問受訪者,並據問卷填答內容進行統計、分析,以整體受訪者的填答結果做為建立重繪門檻評判的依據,最終透過民眾可接受率的計算結果,對標字和標線各提出一個本研究建議的標線適當重繪門檻完整度。


The specifications of pavement markings in Taiwan focus on marking’s material, painting location and its form. The only specification describes the maintenance standard is Taiwan Roadway Traffic Road Markings Specifications. However, it barely describes the rough maintenance threshold and does not mention the measurement. Nowadays, pavement markings get repainted after the milling of pavement. Sometimes it depends on the judgment by government officials eyes, which is not objective. Pavement markings provide important information for drivers while driving, hence it is necessary to establish a complete specification to set up a maintenance threshold and the measurement. A previous research used intensity, collected by pavement profile 2005 (PPS-2005), to identify pavement marking. Based on this, a better completeness-index calculation was constructed to describe the marking’s situation in situ. Then, a huge range detection was done in this research to obtain the binary pavement marking pictures. With these pictures, a questionnaire was created to collect the viewpoint of marking repainting from people. After using satisfaction to analyze the contents from questionnaire, this research raised two suggesting repainting complete index, one for words and the other for other pavement markings.


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