  • 學位論文


The Application of Agile Supply Chain to Analyze The Exercise of Cross-function Provisional Organization of Grand Incentive Tour

指導教授 : 陸洛


台灣旅行業在大型旅遊專案上,還處於起步階段。無論是在事前規劃、人力配置、組織調動,或者是實際出團操作上,還有很多可以精進的空間。本論文的目的就是透過實際操作MICE專案的實作經驗,以及應用敏捷式供應鏈,檢視可能產生問題的環節,提出具有實踐性的營運改善建議,期望對台灣旅行業未來在大型獎勵旅遊的操作上做出貢獻。 首先,為了達成對客戶的承諾,旅行社需要對服務產出的品質作控管,這就需要配置可靠的檢核點人力來執行。其次,大型專案需要大量人力,這會使既有組織與專案組織產生矛盾。提早人力招募作業時程可以給予既有組織更多人力彈性調整的時間,而建立部門與專案間有效的溝通管道,則可以緩解兩者間產生衝突,進而避免產生不必要的風險。最後,台灣旅行業應建立一種可以讓原組織人力快速進入專案的彈性人力作業模式與企業文化,以因應市場上越來越多的大型旅遊需求。


No matter in planning, human resource placement, organization reform ,or even execute aspect, Taiwanese travel industry are still inexpert in the field of MICE travel. Via the agile supply chain, the practice of and observe on a given large-scale MICE project, the dissertation is to provide some views and solutions toward MICE tour, finally make contribution to Taiwanese travel industry. First, in order to reaching the promises that we have made to customer, travel agent must make quality of service under control. Setting reliable person, who is full of experience and domain know-how, as a quality checkpoint is a considerable way. Second, the large-scale project needs a great amount of human power. It might do some harm to original organization. To make recruit schedule earlier would ease the tension between project and original organization. Besides, it is crucial to make an effective communicative access between project leader and original organizations. And the last, travel agent must build a business culture and regulative formation which is flexible in response to every specific need of MICE project, especially since the market of MICE rapidly grow.


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