  • 學位論文


An Analysis of the Success Rate of Telemarketing with the Concept of Consumer Behavior – A Case Study of A Company

指導教授 : 陳文華


A公司電話行銷部門的會員名單主要由兩群會員所組成,一群是經常與電話行銷部門交易的會員(以下簡稱A級成交會員),一群是不曾與電話行銷部門交易的會員(以下簡稱未成交會員)。當A公司電話行銷專員接觸A級成交會員時,交易成功率為30%;然而接觸未成交會員時,交易成功率則僅為7%。本研究利用焦點團體訪談法,訪談10 位A級成交會員,以及10位未成交會員,分別了解這兩群會員的特性,並依照未成交原因提出具體的解決方法。 研究發現,A級成交會員與未成交會員的特質非常不同,A級成交會員俱有的特質如下:對於A公司品牌忠誠度高、和A公司電話行銷人員之間俱有穩定良好的關係、對於商品價格較不敏感、對於電話行銷人員提供的資訊非常信賴、購買商品時較少主動搜集資訊、對於新科技的接受度較低。未成交會員俱有的特質則非常不同,如下:對於A公司品牌忠誠度低、自主性強且不喜歡被推銷、價格敏感度高、屬於理性的消費者,購買商品前,會仔細全面了解商品並期待服務人員能夠仔細回答所有問題、對於科技接受度高,熟悉新科技。 因為這些特質的差異,我們推測未成交會員不願意在A公司電話行銷部門購買商品的原因如下:1) A公司電話行銷部門無法提供絕對低價。2) 未成交會員自主性強,倚重自己搜集的資訊、個人意見和價值觀,不喜歡被推銷,因此電話行銷人員的建議很難形成影響。3) 電話行銷無法讓會員在短時間內取得足夠資訊。4) 未成交會員認為專員的建議不夠符合個人需求,因此不相信專員的推薦。 根據以上原因,本研究也提出了相對應的解決方法,如下:1) A公司電話行銷部門應提供附加價值,例如:中立的商品使用經驗分享,藉此擺脫價格戰。2) 針對自主性較強的消費者,與其不停的推銷固定產品,不如先詢問他們的意見,了解他們想要知道的商品資訊,再依其需求提供商品資訊。3) 由於電話行銷要求消費者在短時間內作出決定,對於那些需要大量資訊評估、考量的消費者,這樣的方式很難被接受,因此我們認為短期解決方法為利用電子郵件、Line等通訊軟體同時提供更多元資訊,長期目標則為建立信賴關係,讓消費者願意接受電話行銷人員的推薦,在較短時間內作出決定。4) A公司可加強大數據的分析能力,透過更精確地分析,預測會員會對哪些商品產生興趣。


In the telemarketing department of A company, the success rate of approaching members who often buy products from the department (A group) is about 30%. However, the success rate of approaching members who have not purchased anything from the department before (B group) is only 7%. In this thesis, we would like to learn about the reasons behind the low success rate and suggest possible solutions by means of focus group research where we interviewed 10 people from A group and 10 people from B group. Through focus group research, we found out that people in A group are extremely different from people in B group. The interviewees from A group are 1) loyal to A company, 2) In good relationship with salespeople from the telemarketing department of A company, 3) insensitive to the prices, 4) confident of information provided by sales people in A company, 5) reluctant to search for information about products, 6) not tech-savvy. On the contrary, the interviewees from B group are 1) not loyal to A company, 2) not willing to be pushed to buy products, 3) price-sensitive, 4) rational customers who search for lots of information before making any purchase, 5) tech-savvy. With the differences compared, we have come up with some possible reasons why B group rejected, 1) A company does not always provide the lowest prices. 2) People from B group are hardly affected by sales people from A company since they only trusted information searched by themselves. 3) Bare information can be acquired in a short time via telemarketing. 4) Recommendations made by sales people do not fit their needs. To solve the problems mentioned above, we suggested possible solutions accordingly as below. 1) To get rid of price war and attract price-sensitive customers, A company should provide customers with other values besides fair prices. 2) Instead of pushing products to customers, A company should pull customers to express their needs and provide product IV solutions accordingly. 3) To provide customers with sufficient information when conducting telemarketing, A company can offer related information via email, LINE, Whatsapp etc. to help them make decisions. 4) A company should enhance its ability to analyze customers’ personal data and purchasing history to give better product recommendations.


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