  • 學位論文


An Application of Q Methodology on The Occupational Motivation to Become a Police Officer: A Case of Criminal Investigation Bureau.

指導教授 : 唐代彪


警察為一高壓力的職業,其工作屬性特殊、任務繁雜,且工時長又經常面臨許多突發狀況,其執行職務之手段常涉及強制、干預與取締,與人民之生命、財產安全及權益亦息息相關。警察工作如此重要且絲毫不輕鬆,其工作本身必然具有什麼誘因,方能吸引逐年增加的參與警察特種考試或警察學校入學考試競爭者們懷抱著從警動機,競相擠入這道窄門。 本研究回顧國內外相關文獻,發現國外已有不少分析警察人員職業選擇動機之相關研究,惟在臺灣類似研究尚未俱全,因此本研究目的欲探討現職刑事警察人員在面臨職業選擇過程時所具備之內在動機及所考量的因素,並歸類刑事警察局警察人員之動機類型,以補足此研究缺口。 本研究採用的方法為Q方法,其兼具質化和量化特色的研究方式,經常用以深入瞭解人的行為動機及主觀意識。本研究以小樣本立意抽樣方式擇定對象為任職於刑事警察局的刑事警察人員,透過此研究方法之運用,期瞭解個人內在職業選擇動機,並將研究結果進行系統化分析,亦期望讓更多人注意到Q方法,並且提供未來有意使用此方法的研究者參考。 本研究透過對於34名刑事警察局的刑警之Q排列及訪談資料進行因素分析,獲得「雙親影響型」、「社會服務型」、「保障追求型」、「家境改善型」等4種職業選擇動機類型,並說明不同的動機如何在個人職業選擇過程中發揮影響。 本研究希望可以幫助警察機關的管理階層瞭解其所屬人員的從警動機後,方能因人設事,調整不同管理作為及提出各種不同激勵措施。本研究結果亦可做為其他刑事司法體系同質性工作,在規劃人才招募或考選政策時之參考,並提供研究職業心理學者、職業諮商人員或學校輔導教師,在協助求職者及學生在面臨職業探索、就業輔導或生涯規劃時的參考指引。


The police officer, assuming a special role of legal execution, have been expected to practice relatively formidable challenging tasks, thus carrying extremely dangerous and heavy work load. As such, they often confront with conflicts between public interests and personal benefits. On the grounds that police work is so important and is in no way easy, the work itself is bound to have some incentives in order to attract the growing number of candidates with distinctive occupational motivations for taking public servant (qualifying) examinations to become a police officer. Through reviewing the relevant literatures, the study found that there are numerous researches in foreign countries, but few similar studies were conducted in Taiwan. The main purposes of this research were to identify with the occupational motivations among 34 police offices in Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) in Taiwan and to find out what types of factors influence their decision-making. Q Methodology was adopted in this study to unveil the viewpoints and occupational motivations of police officers in CIB. This methodology combined the strengths of both qualitative and quantitative methods and hence was an advisable method to examine human subjectivity and innermost thoughts. Through data analysis and interpretation, police officers in CIB were divided into four categories of motivation: (1)Decision of parents;(2)Interest in social services;(3)Pursuit of stable working condition ;(4)Pursuit of family socioeconomic improvement. On the basis of these research findings, some policy recommendations are made for those related authorities to adjust their policies and managements for better recruiting in the future. This study also proposed conclusions and follow-up research suggestions for those who would like to conduct further research in this issue.


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