  • 學位論文


The Development Strategy of Memory Module Industry: A Case Study of Phison

指導教授 : 陳忠仁
共同指導教授 : 許瑋元(Carol W. Hsu)


現今台灣的創業環境其實比過去更為友善,市場資金及各式創投也相當充裕,但惟一欠缺的是現今年輕人創業的夢想企圖心、想與世界競爭的膽識及雄心壯志不夠強烈。面對全球化及各國新一代年輕人勇於創業的潮流趨勢,台灣的年輕人如何從中找出創業的精神及生意的模式並強化競爭優勢呢?此論文正是以台灣這幾年來符合年輕創業有成又建立一個新生意模式的典範-潘健成先生創立的群聯電子為例子。 群聯電子從2000年成立,其初始的創業團隊在經過十六年的環境變化,成為一家年營業額400億的中型IC公司,在台灣目前僅次於聯發科技的地位。群聯電子團隊是在什麼樣的機緣出來創業,遇到怎麼樣的環境挑戰,還有它運用甚麼經營策略,來面對創業過程中的各式各樣挑戰及嚴苛的市場競爭環境?機會、能力、策略、管理是否都在群聯電子潘健成先生創業過程中都有俱備,而面對的競爭者為何沒有用同樣的生意模式來跟進,還是它們有別人無法學習的重要關鍵因素:科技創新、商業模式、資源整合、策略方向。這些正是此篇論文探討的方向。希望從中所點出的生意創新模式及方法可以讓大家有一個學習的典範,並鼓勵正在創業或想創業的年輕人避開前人所遇到的風險並從中找出自己的生意模式來開創新的商機。


The entrepreneurial environment in Taiwan is friendlier than past times, there are venture capitals for entrepreneurs but we lack ambitious heroes. How to present a benchmark story for young people to learn entrepreneurship and business models to create there own competitive advantages in their careers? This study analyze a memory module company, Phison, and its founder- Kin-Shing Pan to demonstrate entrepreneurial performance as a paradigm. Phison was founded since 2000, it becomes a 1.3 billion IC company after 16 years efforts. This company is second only to MTK, the dominator in IC design field. How can a resourceless team growth so quickly? What are the interactions among environmental factors, market opportunities, resources and capabilities in their entrepreneur process? This case study aims to understand the technology innovation, business model innovation, integration ability, and social capital in a dynamic framework. This research also summarizes the success factors of Kin-Shing Pan, whose experience may bring practical insight for young entrepreneurs to prevent risk and create market opportunities.


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