  • 學位論文

公共工程專案管理履約爭議分析及對策之研究─ 以代辦機關執行專案管理工程為例

Research on Analyzing Public Works Project Management Compliance Dispute and Countermeasure ─ Case of Agency authority to perform project management.

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


各機關依據政府採購法第39條規定:「機關辦理採購,得將其其對規劃、設計、供應或履約業務之專案管理,委託廠商為之。」及40條第1項之規定:「政府之採購,得洽由其他具有專業能力之機關代辦。」與第2項規定:「上級機關對於未具有專業採購能力之機關,得命其洽由其他具有專業能力之機關代辦採購。」自民國91年起各機關將所屬工程委由具有專業能力之機關代辦採購,至今仍常出現諸多之工程履約爭議。 為能有效提升機關在代辦(自辦)公共工程績效,本次論文研究即針對公部門之專業採購代辦(自辦)機關—內政部營建署,在民國94∼103年間之經辦工程中所遭遇之困難與辦理中之履約爭議案件作發生原因分析,經歸納後發現有六大爭議類型:(一)、因「工期延長要求追加管理費」爭議事件。(二)、因「停工及展延工期而衍生之監造服務費」爭議事件。(三)、因「變更設計」而引起之爭議事件。(四)、因「逾期罰款」而引發爭議事件。(五)、因「驗收」而引發爭議事件。(六)、因「終止契約、沒收履約保證金及保固保證金」之爭議事件。 依據不同之爭議類型訪談相關承辦人員,瞭解潛在爭議發生原因,並整理出61項在辦理工程中所遭遇之困難可能導致爭議發生之項目,再透過問卷調查方式將各大爭議之主因找出,並利用統計工具SPSS對問卷內容作「信賴度」、「有效度」分析,對各爭議統計分析出之前三大要因,一一分析其發生原因、解決對策及預防措施。 最後,希望可讓機關在執行各項工程時,能順利解決工程上所遭遇之困難,進而降低爭議之發生率,並能在爭議發生前多一點防範與準備,使工程可以如期、如質、如算,順利的達成預期目標。讓所有工程不但能順利完工啟用,還能擺脫掉「工程完工之日即是爭議開始之時」之工程夢魘,這就是我們工程人員所要追求的全贏目標。


In order to enhance the performance of the authority agency (self-hosted) public works effectively, this thesis is to analyze the difficulties encountered and the disputes in all the projects handled by the public sector of professional procurement agency (self-hosted) Offices - Construction and Planning Agency at Ministry of the Interior (CPAMI) from the year of 2005 to 2014. The findings can be summarized into 6 main type of dispute: (1) the disputes due to “additional management fees regarding construction duration extension,” (2) the disputes due to “additional supervision fees regarding halt of work and construction duration extension,” (3) the disputes due to “design change orders,” (4) the disputes due to “delay penalties,” (5) the disputes due to “inspection and acceptance,” (6) the disputes due to “the termination of contract, forfeiture of security deposit and warranty deposit.” To interview the related contractor personnel according to the types of disputes to understand the reasons of potential disputes, and to sort out with 61 difficulties encountered in the process of a project handling which might cause disputes. Further, with different main disputes from the questionnaire survey, to do the "reliability," "validity," analysis with the statistical tool – SPSS. To get the top 3 main disputes with statistical analysis and analyze the reasons, solutions and preventive measures. Finally, hoping this allows the authorities can successfully solve the difficulties encountered by the project, thereby reducing the incidence of the dispute and to prevent and prepare for the disputes when handling different projects. Therefore the project can be scheduled, qualitied, as planned, to reach the desired objectives successfully. Aim not only to make all the projects reach the successful completion in time but also to get rid of the engineering nightmare, ” the date of completion of the project is the start of the dispute.” I think this is the winning goal that we, as the engineering personnel, to pursue.


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32. 行政院公共工程委員會採購申訴審議委員會99年2月25日簡報
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