  • 學位論文


Factors Affecting Farmers’ use of E-Commerce in Agricultural Marketing

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙
共同指導教授 : 孫立群(Lih-Chyun Sun)


自從網際網路普遍被人們接受與使用後,各種電子商務藉由手機或電腦等載具,改變了人們的生活習慣,並顛覆了許多傳統通路與銷售管道。農業也不例外,各種生鮮電子商務平台在近幾年如雨後春筍般興起,亦悄悄改變了農業傳統產銷通路。本研究起心動念之發想,是想探究農民在預期利潤極大化的前提下,決定農產品銷售管道策略組合之最適決定;尤其在生鮮農產品電子商務平台業者出現後,將如何影響農民銷售策略組合之決定,是本研究主要探討之課題。 縱觀國內對生鮮農產品電子商務相關之研究文獻,發現大多數的研究著重在探討消費者和生鮮電子商務平台的關係,鮮少人研究生產者與生鮮電商平台的互動。但本研究認為生鮮電商平台的產品力(指其能尋求合作的農民數量與產品豐富度),是取得競爭優勢的關鍵要素之一。因此本研究將透過相關文獻與市場概況的彙整,從農業生產者的角度出發,深入了解生鮮電商的產品供應鏈(Supply Chain),檢視農夫與生鮮電商平台這類新興的產銷通路合作關係,找出增加生產者使用虛擬網路銷售意願之因素,以期對生鮮電商平台業者提出增加產品競爭力,和維繫供應鏈之良好產銷關係的反饋與建議。 本研究整理分析了國內外成功的農產品電商平台的銷售模式,並面訪了國內158位實際從事耕作的農民,結果發現,有五成的農民會使用網路來從事直接銷售,且其中八成以上的農民會選擇用Facebook來做為與消費者直接接觸的管道。本研究利用Logist二元迴歸分析,發現農民使用網路銷售與否的決策,會明顯受到教育程度、農場所在地、種植面積與是否有認證標章所影響。其中擁有高學歷、有認證標章、農場所在地越偏遠,與種植面積越大的農民,將越有可能做出使用網路銷售農產品的決策。有三成左右的農民曾與國內的生鮮電商平台業者合作,主要是受電商平台主動邀請合作,農民希望能藉此增加自家農產品品牌能見度與行銷能力。生鮮電商平台興起,的確讓農民收入獲得改善,但農產品物流成本太高、農家仍需投入大量人力分裝以及電商平台業者抽成比例高,是農民對使用生鮮電商平台的三大詬病。


Since the Internet has become a modern-day necessity, all sorts of e-commerce, from cell phone computer to other vehicles, changes people's way of life but also disrupts many traditional business channels. Agriculture industry is no exception. E-commerce platforms selling fresh produce are booming in recent years, transforming the traditional production and marketing channel in agriculture. In this context, this study aims to explore farmers’ strategies to form a portfolio of produce selling channels, on the premise of maximum expected profit; especially when the e-commerce platform for farmers appears, how it affects farmers’ portfolio is the main topic of this study. Looking through related domestic researches, we could discover that they mainly focus on the relationship between consumers and the e-commerce platform, few of them concentrating on the interaction between farmers and the e-commerce platform. However, this study suggests that the “productivity” of the e-commerce platform, its functionality to seek for diverse products and cooperation with farmers, is one of the key elements to gain business advantage. Therefore, this study combs through documents and market researches, from farmers’ point of view, tries to understand the e-commerce supply chain in depth, examines the relationship between farmers and the e-commerce platform, and finds out how to encourage farmers to make good use of it, in the hope that the study could provide feedback and advice for the e-commerce platform, making it more competitive while maintaining good relationship with produce suppliers. This research investigates case studies at home and abroad, analyzed successful business models of the e-commerce platform and also interviewed 158 active local farmers in person. The result shows that 50% of the interviewees sells produce online, among them over 80% chooses Facebook as the platform to interact with customers. By using Binary Logistic Regression, the study shows that farmers’ decision to make online sales is apparently affected by their education level, farmland’s location and cultivated area, and whether they have the certification. A farmer with higher education and produce certification, who lives in a remote farm with larger arable land, shows higher tendency to conduct online business. About 30% of the interviewees had cooperation with local e-commerce platforms, mainly because the latter approached the former, while farmers do want to increase their product visibility and marketing ability. The emerging of the e-commerce platform helps to raise farmers’ income indeed. However, farmers do raise three issues that damp their willingness to cooperate with the e-commerce platform: high logistics cost, lots of manpower needed for packaging on their own, and high commission demanded by the e-commerce platform.


李宗儒,黃丹青,顧婉瀛,2011,蔬果於電子商務銷售模式之探討,J. Agri. & Fore. 第60卷第4期,頁263-274。


