  • 學位論文

以計畫行為理論探討 家長對補習班的選擇行為

A study on the Behavior of Parents’ choice of Cram School with Theory of Planned Behavior

指導教授 : 林世銘


補習產業是教育服務產業重要的典型代表,如何讓補習產業創造差異化的優勢是極具關鍵的研究議題。因此,能夠找出學生家長如何選擇補習班的條件,是成為補教產業經營成效不可或缺的指標。 本研究根據「計畫行為理論」設計問卷,調查國中小學學生家長的選擇方向,並利用變異數分析等方法進行統計分析,研究結果之主要發現如下: 一、在計畫行為理論的「態度」因素方面,本文發現課程與教材之設計、品牌口碑之建立與舒適安全的環境是家長們幾項重要的選擇因素。 二、在計畫行為理論的「主觀規範」因素方面,本文發現家長選擇補習班是不易受學校老師的影響,較容易參考親朋好友的推薦與網路社群留言版的討論來選擇補習班。 三、在計畫行為理論的「行為控制知覺」因素方面,本文發現父母有時間、有知識都是願意幫助孩子學習的,這也說明父母對孩子的關愛是非常重視與在意。 根據本文之研究發現,本文提出相關之建議,盼能提供給補教產業做為其行銷服務之參考。


The cram schooling industry is a long-term paradigm of the educational service system in the country. It has been a vital issue for research whether cram school owners are able to create apparent edges. Therefore, it has been an inevitable index for reference to find the key conditions for parents to choose an ideal cram school. The research is based on the theory of planned behaviors (TPB), processed with a questionnaire survey, and statistically analyzed with the Analysis of Variance method. The research results are as follows: 1. In the attitude (AT) factor of TPB, it is found that the course designs of teaching materials, the brand reputation of teaching effects, and a safe and cozy environment lead the parents to an ideal cram school. 2. In the subjective norm (SN) factor of TPB, it is found that the parents are influenced by the suggestions from their relatives and their friends, or influenced by the opinions on the bulletin boards of social networking websites, rather than affected by the teachers in school. 3. In the perceived behavioral control (PBC) factor of TPB, it is found that parents are willing to assist their children in learning if they have enough time and know-how. The finding also indicates that parents are highly concerned for their children. With the findings and the suggestions, the research aims at providing helpful reference points for the cram schooling industry to improve its marketing service.


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