  • 學位論文


Food Quality and Landscape Transformations: A Case Study of Wenshan-Pouchong Tea Industry in Pinglin, Taiwan

指導教授 : 張聖琳


本文以台灣坪林文山包種茶產業的地景變遷過程為例,從茶產業鏈行動者的品質實作考察中,分析茶葉品質的建構過程與地景變遷之間的關係。研究發現,坪林茶區在水源特定區的多重限制下,發展出包含「標準化」(standardized)、「道德化」(moral)與「傳統(traditional)」的茶葉品質論述,茶農、茶商、地方組織、外來行動者及相關農政單位等不同的行動者,在不同的權力結構與利益關係互動下展開品質實作,這些品質的實作改變了坪林茶區的產業與空間地景。 在研究方法上,本文主要針對兼作慣行與有機農法的茶農,及茶產業的專家進行參與式觀察,配合其他農法的茶農、茶商及相關行動者的深度訪談,加上親身參與茶產業的行動研究,從品質實作中分析不同行動者的意識形態與品質的社會建構過程,探討坪林茶區內部與外部品質論述的互動與協調。本文發現,不同的品質觀間並非全然互斥,而是互相共存並彼此牽動影響,場域內的行動者會根據需求吸納不同的品質標準。最後,本文透過實際的參與式農行動過程,逐步建構出具有反思性的茶葉品質標準,並嘗試提出未來的行動方案,藉由建構新的茶葉品質標準重新結構坪林的產業地景樣貌。


Focusing on Wenshan-Pouchong tea regions in Pinglin, Taiwan. I analyze the relationships between the qualities of the Wenshan-Pouchong Tea and the agro-industrial landscapes transformed by the tea actors who have been engaging in the local tea industrial chains. I investigate three qualities of the Pouchong teas that producing in the tea chains: “standardized quality”, “moral quality” and “traditional quality”. Different actors have been promoting either tea quality. Their promotions have been profoundly impacting the industrial tea chains and the culture landscapes of Pinglin. Based on field studies, I apply three research methods in my thesis. They are participation observations, in-depth interviews, and the action orientated research method. I participate in the tea farming and producing processes of the tea experts and tea farmers. I interview tea farmers, tea merchants and other actors to analyze the consciousness of how different actors constructing of tea qualities in Pinglin tea town and other tea regions in Taiwan. My research contributes on how the preferences of food qualities would transform landscapes and societies. I conclude that different food qualities are coexistent. The actors identify their favorite tea qualities according to their economic needs and professional prides. Finally, I propose the participatory agro-actions to constructing the new tea-quality standards that would potentially re-build the tea industrial landscapes in Pinglin.


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