  • 學位論文


The Effects of Increasing Efficiency and Recycling of Construction Materials on Sustainable Cities

指導教授 : 馬鴻文


都市建築滿足了許多都市人基本需求的生活空間,居住、上班、休息、玩樂等活動;但也因為都市人越來越多而造成營建的建築越來越多,光在臺灣就有將近1/3的人居住在大臺北地區且人數還在逐年上升。在這需要更多建築的當下,天然建材的消耗也就越來越多,這龐大的資源開採也就對環境造成大量的破壞。 本研究以永續都市為願景,並以系統分析進行都市建材的消耗代謝模擬。希望透過都市建材的效率化和循環化使用來解決都市龐大的天然建材消耗量。透過減少混凝土建築結構體而用鋼構取代的方式、使用回收建材、拉長建築壽命來提升都市建材的代謝效率化和循環化。並將國外或本土相關文獻所提及的建築生命週期評估的參數用於進行大臺北系統分析的情境設定。本研究計算分析的主結構體為大臺北近幾來興建率高達99%以上的鋼構、鋼筋混凝土、鋼骨鋼筋混凝土建築。在建材的部分則是選用鋼建材、鋁建材和混凝土建材三種建築常見的建材進行建材消耗量和回收量的推估,並計算天然建材和回收建材的二氧化碳排放量,以及新增三種結構體對於大臺北的各情境的結果。最後則針對都市能夠循環多少百分比的建材滿足自身系統,以及因為使用再生建材而節省的二氧化碳排放量佔總建材需求而產生的倍數,作為本研究針對都市情境中建材效率化和循環化評估的依據。 本研究結果顯示,大臺北仍舊是以混凝土建築作為建築的主要結構體,但是如果以鋼構取代傳統混凝土建築、拉長建築壽命和將回收建材再投回大臺北使用,則臺北市在未來情境推估的100年內回收再利用的鋼建材和鋁建材能滿足約90%的建材需求。新北市的部分鋼材約67%,鋁材約80%。在總天然建材的碳排部分:臺北市將減少約85%,新北市則將減少57%。在回收建材的使用所省下碳排和總建材需求產生的碳排比值部分:臺北市鋼材為0.94倍,鋁材為1.87倍;新北市鋼材為0.58倍,鋁材為1.42倍。顯示出新北市相較臺北市,建材循環化及效率化程度較差。希望政府在居住人口越來越多、建築越來越多的都市以相對混凝土建材較環保且可回收的鋼建材結構體取代建築需求,並拉長建築壽命和提升營建廢棄資材回收再利用以取代天然建材的需求,進而達到降低都市對天然建材的消耗和對環境的二氧化碳排放量。


The consumption of building materials and constructions is growing rapidly, because of the increase of population and urbanization. Under the huge demand of building materials, more natural resource will be exploited, causing serious environmental damage. This research focuses on the effects of increasing efficiency and recycling of construction materials. The research defines Taipei and New Taipei City as a research area, and Reinforced Concrete (RC), Steel Structure (SS) and Steel Reinforced Concrete (SRC) construction are chosen. The chosen building materials are steel, concrete and aluminum for the calculation of material demand and recycling. In addition to assessing the urban metabolism of building materials, the research also focuses on accessing efficiency and recycling in Taipei and New Taipei City. The result shows that if Taipei and New Taipei City replace concrete construction with steel construction, use recycled building materials to replace natural material and lengthen the life cycle of the building, then Taipei’s recycled steel material and aluminum material can meet about 90% of the total demand for building materials; for New Taipei City, the recycled steel material is about 67% and aluminum material is about 80%. The efficiency ratio of Taipei and New Taipei City: Taipei’s steel is 0.94, aluminum 1.87; New Taipei City’s steel is 0.58, aluminum 1.42.The efficiency ratio shows that New Taipei City are relatively lower than Taipei. The research suggests that the government should replace concrete structure by steel structure. It is because steel structure is more environmental friendly than concrete structure. Also, extend building life cycle and improve recycling and efficiency of construction materials to replace the natural demand of building materials can achieve lower consumption and carbon dioxide emissions of natural building materials.


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