  • 學位論文


The Effect of Family Acceptance on the Health of Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual Adults

指導教授 : 沈瓊桃


本研究以成年期同性戀及雙性戀為對象,透過量化研究法之問卷調查法,於公共場所、網路平臺及社會福利機構蒐集300份同性戀樣本、125份雙性戀樣本及195份異性戀樣本進行分析,以了解同性戀及雙性戀的生理、心理健康及健康行為特徵,以及個人特性、家庭特性與家庭接納對於同性戀及雙性戀者的健康之影響。   研究結果發現同性戀及雙性戀成人的生理健康、心理健康及健康行為與異性戀成人有差異。生理健康面向,男同性戀及男雙性戀者患消化系統疾病的比例較男異性戀者為高;男同性戀及男雙性戀者患性傳染病的比例則與異性戀男性並無顯著差異。心理健康面向,同性戀者及雙性戀者在焦慮、憤怒、憂鬱、自卑與失眠的程度均大於異性戀者。此外,同性戀及雙性戀者較異性戀者有較高的自殺意念,顯示同性戀及雙性戀者發展自我認同及適應主流異性戀社會的過程,可能因內在的自我懷疑或外界的歧視、污名或不接納,而產生心理健康問題。   健康行為面向,本研究發現男同性戀及雙性戀者定期接受大腸癌篩檢或HIV篩檢之比例及注意安全性行為的程度比男異性戀者高。此外,男同性戀及男雙性戀者較異性戀男性注意體重控制、且吸菸頻率較低,故推論男同性戀及男雙性戀者比男異性戀更關心自己的健康狀況及體態;相反的,女同性戀及女雙性戀者接受健康檢查之比例及注意安全性行為的程度則顯著低於異性戀女性,且有在進行體重控制的女同性戀及雙性戀者之比例低於女異性戀者;同性戀及雙性戀女性抽菸的比例則較異性戀女性高。相較於男同性戀及男雙性戀,女同性戀及女雙性戀者的自評健康狀況較差,且亦不如男同性戀/男雙性戀者努力維持自身的身體健康,顯示女同性戀及女雙性戀者的健康意識較低,對於己身健康狀況的關心程度尚有成長的空間。   最後,本研究發現,同性戀及雙性戀者的家庭接納程度越高,其自評健康及心理健康均較佳,較少產生自殺意念,也較努力維持身體及心理的健康;父親/母親知悉性傾向的個體,感受到較高度的父親/母親接納。根據本研究發現,本研究者於實務面建議服務機構提升女同性戀及女雙性戀者之健康照顧服務,並積極將同性戀及雙性戀者之原生家庭成員納入服務對象。


同性戀 雙性戀 健康 健康行為 家庭接納


This study focuses on lesbian, gay and bisexual (LGB) adults. The purpose of the study was to investigate the physical health, mental health and health-related behavior of LGBs as well as to discover the effects of personal qualities, family qualities and family acceptance on the health of LGB adults. A quantitative method was applied; study questionnaires were sent out in public places, on-line and social welfare institutions. Responses from 300 lesbians and gays, 125 bisexuals and 195 heterosexuals were received and analyzed. The results revealed differences between the physical health, mental health and health behavior of LGB and heterosexual adults. On physical health, gay and bisexual males were more likely than heterosexual male to have digestive system disorders, while no significant differences existed between LGB and heterosexual adults on sexually transmitted diseases. On mental health, LGB adults scored significantly higher than heterosexuals did on the scales of anxiety, hostility, depression, interpersonal sensitivity (feeling inferior to others) and additional symptoms (cf. having trouble falling asleep in the past week). Besides, LGB adults scored higher than heterosexuals did on suicide ideation. The results indicated that LGB adults might develop mental health problems while struggling with their sexual identity and adapting to the dominant culture of heterosexism. On health behavior, it was discovered that the frequency that gay and bisexual males received colorectal cancer tests or HIV check-ups and paid attention to safe-sex behavior were higher compared to heterosexual males. What’s more, gay and bisexual males control their weight more and smoke less, which revealed that gay and bisexual male care about their health and body or appearance more than heterosexual males do. In contrast to males, the frequency that lesbian and bisexual females received health checks and paid attention to safe-sex behavior were significantly lower compared to heterosexual females; meanwhile, they control their weight less and smoke more than heterosexual females. Compared to gay and bisexual males, lesbian and bisexual females scored lower on self-rated health and exert less effort on maintaining physical health compared to gay and bisexual females. This indicated that the health awareness of lesbian and bisexual females is lower and worth the efforts to promote it. Lastly, it was found that family acceptance among LGBs had a positive effect on LGB’s self-rated physical and mental health; perceived family acceptance accounted for decreased suicidal ideation and increased effort expended on maintaining physical and mental health. Besides, LGBs whose father/mother knew their sexual orientation better, perceived higher father/mother acceptance. According to the abovementioned results, this study suggests that related agencies should develop specific health care for lesbian, and include LGBs’ family members in the service of LGB.


lesbian gay bisexual health health behavior family acceptance




