  • 學位論文


The News Frames of Korea-China FTA in Korean Media

指導教授 : 林麗雲


本研究針對韓國保守派媒體《朝鮮日報》以及進步派媒體《韓民族新聞》就韓中FTA議題所發表的社論及報導,利用框架分析法發掘文本中隱含的框架,藉以探求兩報對於韓中自由貿易協定(FTA)的態度與立場。同時,本研究依據FTA的進程,分為前期(T1)與後期(T2),藉此觀察框架的變動。 研究發現,兩報長期在新自由主義的潛移默化下,皆肯定韓中FTA有助於促進出口、提振韓國經濟,僅在弱勢產業的保護政策上有所歧異。政治上,兩報咸肯認韓中FTA具備維繫區域和平的作用。惟保守派媒體《朝鮮日報》因其親美反共的立場,對於與中國簽訂FTA存有較多疑慮,並擔心韓國與中國過於交好,恐會影響韓美關係。進步派媒體《韓民族新聞》主要採取監督政府的立場,反對FTA談判在李明博政府時期展開。 本研究同時發現隨著FTA談判的進展,T1與T2呈現框架的變動,兩報在T2時期支持的框架更為顯著。《朝鮮日報》基於對中國的不信任,T1時期對韓中FTA持保留、謹慎的態度。然而,當FTA成為政府既定推動的政策後,《朝鮮日報》對於韓中FTA的質疑隨之消逝,論述中充斥大量支持框架。《韓民族新聞》則在李明博政府下台、朴槿惠政府接任後,支持論述亦大幅增加,批判政府的聲音相對減少。


This article aims to observe the changes of frames in the comments and coverage regarding Korea-China FTA by the conservative media Chosun ilbo and progressive media Hankyoreh through frame analysis in order to observe the attitudes and stance of the two media outlets regarding Korea-China FTA. In the meantime, this article specifies the change of frames in pre-FTA (T1) and after-FTA (T2) based on the progress of the FTA to observe the changes of frames. Based on this research, the researcher concludes that the two outlets are both positive about the benefits of the FTA in promoting export and improving the economy while they hold different views on the protective policies toward non-competitive industries. In term of international politics, the two media outlets both acknowledge that the Korea-China FTA will help maintain stability in the region. However, Chosun ilbo, based on its Pro-U.S. and anti-China position, tends to be more reserved on signing FTA with China with fears that it might affect Korea-US relations. On the other hand, Hankyoreh holds a position to be a watchdog of the government and is opposed to beginning the FTA negotiations under the Lee Myung-bak administration. The research also observes the changes in T1 and T2 in frames as the negotiations of FTA progress, the two media outlets tend to be more supportive of the FTA in T2. Chosun ilbo held a conservative view toward FTA in T1 based on its lack of trust in China. However, after the FTA had become an established policy, Chosun ilbo soon became supportive of the policy and its comments were full of positive tones. On the other hand, Hankyoreh gave more supportive comments after Lee Myung-bak stepped down and Park Geun-hye took office. The number of positive comments toward the FTA also saw increase by a great margin and less criticism against the government.


Frame Analysis Korea Korea-China FTA Chosun ilbo Hankyoreh


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