  • 學位論文

策略聯盟進入大中華市場之決策分析 —以中國大潤發與歐尚為例

Strategic Alliance for Entry into Greater China Market

指導教授 : 陳俊忠


中國大陸自1978年改革開放後,經濟快速成長,國民所得與人均購買力大幅增長,吸引了各國零售巨頭進入。開放前期,外資積極投入中國零售市場,為中國引入專業的管理技能與豐厚的資金;中期,隨著中國加入WTO,為中國零售產業開啟了全新的面貌;近期,外資零售業者在中國卻面臨諸多問題與挑戰(倒店潮與電商衝擊)。本研究旨在分析外資企業進入中國市場時,如何善用原有競爭優勢(Competitive Advantage)來因應當地消費者型態轉變,以進行在地化調整(Localization)、創造差異策略(Differentiation)並深根立足於中國零售市場。 本篇論文,將以中國大潤發與法商歐尚集團所形成之策略聯盟(Strategic Alliance)為例,以CAGE分析探討進入中國市場最佳的模式選擇(Entry Mode),及運用4 Fits(Strategy, Resource, Organization, Culture)檢視個案中雙方在聯盟內的競合關係(Coopetition),並進一步探討該聯盟遭受外資零售巨頭夾擊及電商衝擊後,如何因應調整(3A:Adaptation, Aggregation, Arbitrage)以保有在中國市場上的長期競爭優勢及出奇制勝的關鍵成功因素(Key Successful Factors)。 論文最後,將剖析外資零售業者進入中國的模式選擇與成功策略,及如何與當地業者合作,並針對各外資零售業者在中國所面臨的現況問題,提出實體零售與電商未來可行之策略及若透過策略聯盟方式,可保有之競爭優勢。


To enhance the successful rate of doing business with Chinese in greater china market, some foreign enterprises utilize CAGE Analysis to evaluate Chinese market entry strategies and figure out the competitive advantages. However, there are complex factors such as cultural affinity, government policies, economic development, and managerial authority of being successful. In this thesis, we focused on foreign retailers in Asia market and discussed different Entry Mode, which is more suitable to enter China market. Moreover, we take the outstanding performance Strategic Alliance, RT-Mart (Taiwanese Corporate) and Auchan (French Groupe), as example, to elaborate key successful strategies of Retailing Business in Greater china market. In general, when retailers enter into a new market, they might face multiple aspect of the barrier. Here, we noticed having Strategic Alliance with local companies could be a win-win solution for both local and international enterprises. From view of local, they equip with sufficient market knowledge and Guan-xi. From the other side, foreign companies can benefit the alliance with abundant capital and managerial skills and advanced technology. In the end, we highly suggest foreign enterprise establish strong connection(Quan-Xi), and keep learning the local customer behavior to provide unique and flexible strategy for China market.


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