  • 學位論文


Constructing A “New Chiayi”── Chiayi Tax Bureau Preservation Movement And The Cultural Circle Afterward

指導教授 : 蘇碩斌 徐梅屏


本篇深度採訪報導以人文地理學研究視角出發,藉由實地蹲點採訪的方式,探討嘉義市稅務出張所運動及其後嘉義市文化圈的橫跨十五年的樣態。 報導發現,嘉義的文化圈已從最初走上街頭捍衛文化資產的抗爭,轉而走向個體創業,甚至是政府與民間集體合作。從 2000 年至 2015 年,嘉義出現為數可觀的文化創業者,他們組織活動、開店創業,或是興辦刊物,連帶影響政府在文化政策上的作為。 此外,報導也追蹤了採訪個案一年前後的發展,有些創業的個人或團體在商業化浪潮下受到挑戰,或黯淡歇業,或另覓新路。嘉義文化圈的形貌由參與其中的文化人們共同建構,在他們的實踐與嚮往中,迎來一個新的「嘉」園。


This in-depth report depicts a trail of the urban innovation and cultural development of Chiayi City. It starts from an angle of Human geography, trying to discover Chiayi’s cultural circle after Chiayi Tax Bureau Preservation Movement through field study. This period lasts 15 years. This report tells how Chiayi’s cultural circle was transformed from the initial cultural heritages preservation social movement to the cooperation with the government and the civil society. From year 2000 to 2015, a considerable amount of people started to organize activities, launch businesses, or publish magazines. Their efforts influenced the government’s attitude toward the preservation of cultural assets. Also, the report tracks the status of the spots and the interviewers for one more year. Some operators chose to stop their business, while some found another way to innovate. With the practice and participation of the people inside Chiayi’s cultural circle, Chiayi gives a unique look. Here comes a new Chiayi.


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