  • 學位論文


Development of the Chinese Intellectual Property Legal System And Foreign Influences

指導教授 : 黃銘傑


中國智慧財產權法律制度之建立與成熟乃高度受其他國家之影響。普通法系和大陸法系國家為了加強在中國之智慧財產權益之保護,皆在相關法律制度之規範與改善中給予中國當局壓力。然而,普通法系國家與大陸法系國家對於如何規範與改善現今中國智慧財產法提供了不同的思維、原理與規則。雖然中國之法體系被其政府定位為「社會主義法制」,究其本質而言,中國法律制度主要還是以大陸法系為基礎。 中國智慧財產權法是由許多不同之法律規範所組成,如商標法、專利法、著作權法和軟體保護規則等。然而,在思考智慧財產權的保障時,我們必須從中國法律制度整體觀之,考量其他法律於保障智慧財產權上之直接或間接之適用,例如反不正當競爭法、商業秘密法、侵權責任法、刑法、民事訴訟法、海關法等法規範之適用。 中國一直以來受到許多國家對於其在智慧財產權保護中法規範與權利行使上之缺乏之批評。除此之外,全球主要仿冒品來源地為中國,並且隨著中國電子商務之興盛,如阿里巴巴和淘寶,中國仿冒品問題也趨於嚴峻。於2017年3月,阿里巴巴創辦人馬雲,要求中國法律在仿冒品之問題上應採更嚴格之規範並建議仿冒者應坐牢以對智慧財產權有更好的保障。 許多外國公司誤解中國並沒有一個完善的智慧財產權保障系統。中國智慧財產權法律體制中的確在智慧財產權利之行使上仍有欠缺,同時又須面對新的挑戰,如網路平台上之侵權態樣。事實上,目前中國在智慧財產權之保障上有長足之進步、做出更多新的改革,例如最近專利法和反不正當競爭法之修正皆使智慧財產權之保護有所改善,而於2013年修訂之商標法亦然。 在學生的本篇論文中,學生嘗試論述近來中國在智慧財產權保障上具體之發展,特別是藉由修正後的商標法、許多與美國和歐盟間之合作和三座於2014年建立之智慧財產權法院中,討論已具體適用於新商標法中的普通法系和大陸法系之原理原則。在本篇論文之最後章節,將處理中國依然需面對之問題,如智慧財產權之行使和嚴苛之舉證責任,學生將對此提出建議。


The establishment and maturation of the Chinese Intellectual Property legal system are highly influenced by foreign countries. In fact, common and civilian law countries have given pressure on China to regulate and improve its laws in order to enhance the protection of intellectual property rights on the territory of the People’s Republic of China. The Common legal and Civil legal system provide different thought, principles and rules to regulate and modify existing laws. The legal system of the People’s Republic of China is defined by the government as a “socialist legal system”. Despite the official definition, however, China’s legal system is based primarily on the model of Civil Law . Chinese intellectual property law includes a large range of laws such as trademark, patent, copyright and software regulations, however, legal system is a broader term, which comprises not only the traditional tools, but evokes the tools directly or indirectly useful for protecting intellectual property rights. For example, anti-unfair competition law, trade secret law, tort law, criminal law, civil procedure law, customs law and other. China has been criticized by many foreign countries, mainly due to its lack of regulations and inexistent enforcement of intellectual property rights. Additionally, most of counterfeit goods come from China, and with the e-commerce platforms as Alibaba and Taobao, China’s counterfeit problem continues to grow. In March 2017, Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba calls for stricter Chinese laws on counterfeiting and suggested that counterfeiters are put in jail for a “better” intellectual property enforcement. Many foreign companies mistakenly believe that China does not have a developed intellectual property protection system. It is true that Chinese intellectual property legal system is still lacking in term of intellectual property enforcement, moreover, China has to face new challenges such as online infringement. Nevertheless, China is moving fast, making new reforms, such as recently in patent law, in anti-unfair competition law, and revise its laws to improve the intellectual property protection. Amended in 2013, the Trademark law of the People’s Republic of China was inspired by the Common and Civil law. In my paper, I develop certain recent and concrete improvements of the intellectual property protection system in China, particularly through the revised Trademark law, several cooperation with the United States and the European Union, and the establishment of three new intellectual property courts in 2014. I explain the Common and Civil legal principles that China has incorporated in its new Trademark law. In the last part, while I discuss the remaining difficulties that China has to solve, such as enforcement issues and a too strict evidentiary law, I am trying to provide some recommendations.


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