  • 學位論文


Study of In-Store Mobile Payment in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃俊堯


台灣線下支付近年來隨著科技的發展及金融相關業者推廣,在走過信用卡及電子票證的發展後,行動支付因應法規開放也開始在國內萌芽,行動支付業者積極佈建各式消費通路,並提供優惠吸引消費者使用,但實際上使用人數卻仍相當有限。因此,本研究企圖找出行動支付低採用率背後的關鍵影響因素及有效推廣方式。 本研究從服務提供者及消費者兩面向去探討,業者面採文獻分析法,以質性分析方式,瞭解國內目前的行動支付產業現狀及可能的潛在問題;消費者面則同時採用訪談法及問卷調查法進行研究,並藉助統計分析建立採用預測模型及解析採用與否的原因,最後提出實務上適用的短中長期推廣建議。 研究中所建置的羅吉斯迴歸模型,具備穩定性及良好預測準確性,可有效預測消費者現階段是否有意願採用行動支付,其萃取出顯著相關的變數,包含有性別、年齡、收入、是否使用電子票證聯名卡自動加值、是否使用信用卡於網路購物或線下購物、是否有集點習慣等。 本研究同時針對行動支付已用者及未用者,皆進行因素分析及集群分析,由已用者分析可知,已用者滿意比例高達 9 成,短期業者可選定預測有意願採用者,以目前服務內容,採網路及實體店家協助方式溝通推廣,但業者須維持具有競爭力的誘因。而對於預測無意願採用者的推廣方式,從未用者分析可知,中長期需投入資源於消除風險疑慮及低感知可用性兩個關鍵未採用因素,實際的參考做法為,盡快支援指紋辨識驗證及綁定簽帳金融卡,而支付相關整合功能皆有助於提高採用意願,應逐步開發增加;另外,推廣方式同樣應著重於店家直接溝通,才能有效提升覺察程度。 本實證研究分析的結果能協助行動支付業者,調整目前的發展方向及競爭策略,並能讓業者對不同採用意願的消費者,有不同的應對方針及行銷方式,使業者能有效提升投資報酬率。


Over the past few years, the fast development in mobile technologies facilitated the emergence of mobile payment (m-payment) system. Nowadays, people can easily pay for goods and services with their own mobile devices in physical stores. Although the related regulations were relaxed since 2015, the adoption rate of mobile payment in Taiwan is still surprisingly low. Therefore, the study tried to find out the key factors that affect consumers' willingness to use m-payment services. This study reviewed the literature on m-payment, analyzed the influence of system characteristics and user-related factors on m-payment usage, and gave suggestions for m-payment service providers. To learn consumers’ attitudes toward m-payment services, it proposed an m-payment research model, to which logistic regression, factor analysis and cluster analysis were applied. The model was verified empirically with data collected from m-payment users regarding their personal information and perceptions on m-payment services. It also attempted to classify users into several clusters and discover their different preferences to m-payment services. The results indicate that the significant variables to predict the consumers' willingness to use m-payment are gender, age, income, usage of electronic cards, usage of credit cards, and usage of reward points. The findings show that adopters were satisfied with current m-payment services, so providers can target potential adopters with attractive discounts right away. Non-adopters, on the other hand, reported that the risk and usefulness were their main concerns. In the long run, service providers should invest in security technology such as fingerprint verification, as well as running promotions at brick-and-mortar stores. This study will assist service providers in building up suitable business models and service strategies for different m-payment user groups, allowing them to allocate resources appropriately to m-payment system development.


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