  • 學位論文


Research on Current Application, Cost-effectiveness and Promotion Strategies of Bagged Premixed Dry Cement Mortar

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


中文摘要 泥作工程為住宅建案結構體完成後重要的裝修工程之一,泥作類工程缺失也是消費者住戶在成屋交屋驗收時缺失發生率很高的項目,若泥作相關缺失處理不當,油漆、壁紙、木作甚至廚具及家具等後續裝修工程也將很難順利完成驗收。在交屋完成後,無論是在前期或後期,泥作工程引起之修繕工程比例也比其它工種來的高,換言之如果泥作工程品質不良,住宅交屋後續修繕衍生之費用將大幅度增加。 近年來較少文獻討論泥作工程用水泥砂漿材料本身品質之穩定,大多討論研究關於磁磚劣化程度檢測及脫落行為發生之原因等。本研究經由專家訪談資料整理、材料成本比較、修繕案例及實驗設計發現,「袋裝預拌式乾粉水泥砂漿」在材料來源品質掌控、加入損耗後之材料成本、修繕比例金額及材料成品穩定度上皆優於「傳統場拌水泥砂漿」。本研究根據上述結果及專家訪談之意見彙整後製作SWOT策略矩陣圖,列出5點對策,作為提供後續推廣之策略參考。


Abstract Plastering is one of the most important decorations after the structure of building construction is completed; and it is also the project with high probability of absence in delivery inspections by house owners. If mishandled in this project, the following decoration projects, including painting, wallpapers, woodworks, and even kitchen wares and furniture, cannot successfully pass the acceptance inspection. After the house settlement, the repairing ratio of plastering project is higher than other projects in both early and late stages. In another word, if plastering project in poor quality, it will greatly increase the repair cost after house settlement. Recent years, there is little literature discussing the stable quality of cement mortar used in plastering project. Most of them are focusing on tiles, inspecting the deterioration degree and exploring the reasons of falling-off. In this research, through information collection of expert interviews, cost comparisons on different materials, analysis of repair cases and designed experiments, we find that Bagged premixed dry cement mortar has better performance than traditional spot-mixed cement mortar in material sources, quality control, total cost including the loss, amount of repair ratio and the stability of finished materials. According to above results and collection of expert opinions, we make a SWOT strategic matrix diagram and propose 5 countermeasures as references for following promotion strategies.


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