  • 學位論文


Data Analysis of winery online shopping platform

指導教授 : 陳瑀屏


台灣的酒類市場成長的速度及規模在亞洲地區是名列前茅的,同時,台灣也拜網路蓬勃發展所賜,使得電商的營收成長得以持續攀升。以電子商務平台販售酒類商品相對於經營實體店面成本較低,若要永續經營,與顧客之間的關係維持就格外重要,加上近年來數據導向的行銷模式開始蓬勃發展,能不能有效的運用數據去做更有效率的行銷,並為公司創造更大的價值,是每一個酒類電商所追求的。 本研究以酒類的電商交易資料為例,透過實際分析資料去找出顧客的消費行為。先以探索性資料分析看出整個平台的表現以及消費者行為,再利用RFM模型和K-means演算法將客戶進行進一步的客群,找出相對重要的客戶。最後根據以上的分析找出目前此酒類電商平台所面臨的問題,並提出解決建言。


Winery market in Taiwan is large both in scale and growth among Asian countries. In addition, the accessibility of the internet in the country brings a promising future for the e-commerce. Wine retailers are able to use e-commerce to reduce the cost. However, the customer relationship is always one of the most important issues among running an e-business. In recent years, utilizing the data driven marketing strategies has been articulated. Most of the e-commerce players are pursuing the success in the data driven era. The scope of the research is the transaction data from the specific winery e-commerce player. The goal of the research is to figure out how’s the engagement between the player and the customers and come up with some effective suggestions to enhance the customer loyalty. In order to achieve the goal, exploratory data analysis was used to identify the key problems needed to be improved. Afterwards, the RFM model and K-means clustering method were used to search for those high-valued customers.


e-commerce winery marketing database marketing CRM Big Data


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