  • 學位論文


A Feasibility Study on Outsourcing the Skill Training Courses in the Correctional Institutions:The Case of Taipei Detention Center

指導教授 : 洪美仁


近年來「公私協力」議題蔚為風行,在新公共管理的思維下,政府尋求外部資源,擴大民間參與,以提高公部門的決策效能和服務品質。而法務部為降低再犯率,結合社會各方資源推動技能訓練,亟在幫助受刑人培養並取得一技之長,於出監後謀職之用,乃是多年來獄政改革努力方向之一。 有鑒於我國技能訓練效能不彰,曾有學者提出委外辦理技能訓練之建議方向以提升訓練效能。爰此,透過委外擴大辦理技能訓練規模,讓更多收容人接受符合就業市場需求與實用性高之技能訓練課程,是否有助於改善目前監所自行辦理技能訓練成效低落之困境,值得探討。 本論文以臺北看守所為個案研究對象,闡述我國矯正機關及臺北看守所技能訓練實施現況,並介紹國外(美國、新加坡)監所技能訓練委外辦理的情形,再施以質性訪談,藉由不同受訪者之角度,梳理現行問題與困境,分析委外實施技能訓練時包括市場、經營管理、財務、行政法規及整體面等不同層面的可行性分析,以便讀者瞭解委外可能帶來的優勢與困境。最終,提出相關政策建議,作為未來推行委外技能訓練之參考。


In recent years, “Public and Private Partnership”has been a trendy topic. Under the thinking of New Public Management, the government takes actions and seeks external resources by expanding private participation for the improvements of decision-making process and service quality of public sector. As for the Ministry of Justice, in order to reduce the recidivism rate, it promotes skill training by combining resources from all parties in society, aiming at helping the inmates to cultivate and obtain specialized proficiency for the employability after their departure from prison, is one of the ultimate goals to chase in correctional reformation policy over the years. In view of the fact that skill training in our country is inefficient, scholars have proposed suggestion to enhance training effectiveness by “outsourcing”skill training work. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore whether widening the scale of skill training programs through outsourcing, letting more inmates receive training courses that accord with the demand of employment market and of high practicability really contributes to ease the current predicament caused by prisons organizing skill training programs on their own. This paper takes Taipei Detention Center as the studying case, elaborating present situation towards mplementation of skill training programs in Taiwan’s correctional institutions and Taipei Detention Center, plus, introducing the outsourcing condition executed by other foreign skill training institutes (UNICOR and SCORE).By conducting in-depth interviews with different perspectives from interviewees, the study sorts out existing problems and difficulties, and then analyses various feasibility concerning several aspects when souring out skill training, including marketing, management, financing, administrative regulations, laws, and overall dimensions. Hence, readers can have better understanding of all pros and cons that may brought by outsourcing. In the end, several policy-relating suggestions are concluded as references for future out-sourced skill training implementation.


孫煒,2004,〈非營利管理的責任問題:政治經濟研究途徑〉,《政治科學論叢》,第 20 期,頁 141-166。
