  • 學位論文


Metro-induced Commercial Gentrification

指導教授 : 林楨家


商業的縉紳化是指原來一地的商家,因為某種原因,受到更高等級商家進入並置換的過程。因為捷運站的設置,使捷運站周圍地區可及性提升導致地價上升,地價上升後店面租金增加,有能力負擔上升租金的商家變少,故原有商業可能無法繼續經營或是遷移到離捷運站較遠的位置繼續營業,進一步使商業店家出現被置換的現象。若能了解捷運對於沿線商業之影響,將有較充足之理論說明捷運雖可能帶來更便利與綠色的生活,但也必須在規劃建設時有更深層之考量,避免造成社會排擠。 本研究以台北捷運文湖線內湖區五個車站周圍做為研究對象,實證捷運與周遭商業縉紳化之間的關係,並進一步探討這個影響關係對城市發展以及居民生活的意涵。研究經由文獻評析與重要關係人訪談發展理論假說,接著使用Google街景取得商家變遷資料作為樣本,最後應用羅吉特模式分析樣本資料檢驗理論假說。羅吉特模式主要用在分析影響商業轉變的因素,了解是何因素造成商業類別的轉變。 研究結果發現捷運通車後,隨著距離捷運站距離越近,商業縉紳化機率越高,然而此影響有一定距離範圍,此距離會因為捷運通車時間越長而範圍擴大。此外,若當地為較早發展地區,捷運站對商業縉紳化的影響範圍會縮小,因為商業同時受到捷運站與原商業密集核心影響;又若一地為商辦區,捷運站對商業縉紳化的影響範圍亦會縮小,商辦區域內之辦公室密集區與捷運站有一段距離,此地與捷運站相似,有較多人潮,同能吸引縉紳化商店進駐。此研究之成果可以填補捷運系統對車站地區商業縉紳化影響關係之知識缺口,並據以提出考量社會永續性之建設評估策略與規劃思考方向建議。


Commercial gentrification happens when local retailers are displaced by boutique shops or chain stores because of some external reasons. Newly launched metro systems often raise property values along metro corridors and lead original retailers to move to somewhere farther from metro stations to seek lower rents. Retailers having higher rent affordability move to metro corridors to replace the original retailers and hence metro-induced commercial gentrification happens. This research empirically explored the effects of metro systems on commercial gentrification. The sample data is from the areas surrounding the five metro stations in Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan. The data of commercial activities within the study areas in 2009, 2012 and 2015 were collected from the photo records of Google Street View and were analyzed using logit models. The empirical results show that distances to metro stations were negatively related to commercial gentrification both in the short term and in the long term. Gentrification most likely happened near metro stations. As distances to metro stations increasing, probability of gentrification declined. However, commercial gentrification probability decreased to the lowest level then started to increase because of other commercial centers. The areas that were early developed had higher probability of commercial gentrification, and the probability decreases away from metro stations fell gentler than the other areas. In contrast, the increase was even faster after the lowest turning point than the other areas. The science-technology park acts as an office area that attracts people moving to the area, consequently commercial gentrification still decreased with the distance from metro stations but increased faster after the lowest turning point than the other areas. The launching of metro stations induced commercial gentrification, and the development time phase and land use type seem another major influencing factors to gentrification. The empirical results broaden understanding of how infrastructure investments were related to gentrification and reveal that a local administration should adopt adequate means to deal with metro-induced commercial gentrification when upgrading public transport systems.


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