  • 學位論文


Job Transfers in Public Service from the Perspective of Organization Management– a Case Study of Personnel in Maritime and Port Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications

指導教授 : 洪美仁


本研究以交通部航港局為例,進行調職之原因、程序、效益及影響之研究,並從研究成果探討調職做為組織管理方式的成效,總共訪談9位受訪者,其中包含7位主管及2位人事人員。   研究結果發現,調職原因如為自願性調職大多為家庭因素及考量升遷機會與未來發展;而非自願性調職原因則多為主管就員工之業務專長與組織整體業務運作考量所進行的職務輪調。另就調職正面功能方面,本研究發現調職對組織最具有提升組織內部流動性、培養通才及人才培育之功能,調職能增加組織人員調度的彈性。過往文獻所提出之負面影響,例如由於知識技能與經驗集中於專精範圍與專業工作,某些專業員工及幕僚專家不宜實施調職,因此調職之實施僅限於工作內容較不具專業性之人員;在實施調職之初,員工容易因不熟悉業務而產生短期工作效率與生產力下降情形,因此增加組織的訓練成本,此為主要之負面影響。   此外,本研究發現,當面對調職經驗較多之人員,主管通常會考量該頻繁調動之人員是否因為工作表現不佳、無心於工作,因此給人工作漫不經心的印象。本研究亦發現主管會考量調職是否會影響內部升遷狀況而打擊員工士氣,對於單位內原本的升遷佈局及工作士氣是否會帶來衝擊,此為過去文獻中未提及的研究發現。   本研究發現輪調在私部門受到重視並成為重要的組織管理與激勵方式之原因,實乃因公私部門本質之差異。公務體系具有良好之保障,無較明顯之淘汰措施;而私部門則將調職視為對員工能力考驗以及員工激勵方式,員工如能在輪調過程中有較好的表現,則能為員工帶來實質性報償,因此較能產生正面激勵效果,因此調職較能發揮正面功能。


This thesis explores the reasons, procedures, effectiveness, and impacts of job transfers in public service. From the perspective of organization management, this thesis focuses on personnel in Maritime and Port Bureau, Ministry of Transportation and Communications. To achieve the goal, this study interviews 9 respondents, including 7 supervisors of different divisions and 2 employees in the Personnel Office. This study acquires the following results: The reasons why job transfers occur come from two parts, voluntary and involuntary job transfers. Factors of voluntary job transfer include family care, promotion opportunities, and future development. However, factors of involuntary job transfer are derived from organization management, supervisors considering staff's expertises and the organizational operation so they promote job transfer. In terms of effectiveness of job transfer, this study finds out that job transfer could enhance the internal mobility of the organization, cultivate generalists and personnel training function, and adjust the staff to increase the flexibility of personnel utilization. The negative impacts of job transfer in the past literature include that some professional staff members should not be transferred, so the implementation of job transfer is limited to the less professional staff. The main negative impact is that at the beginning of the job transfer, employees are prone to short-term low productivity due to unfamiliarity, thus increasing the training costs of the organization. In addition, the study finds out several results that have never been discussed before. In the case of more experienced job transfer staff, the supervisors will consider whether the frequent mobilization of staff comes from their poor performance, inadvertently work, which gives supervisors the impression of recklessness. The study also finds out that the supervisors would consider whether the job transfer will affect the internal promotion situation and destroy employee morale. In the end, this study finds that the reason why job transfer been regarded as an important organization management way and incentives to motivate employees in private sector is due to the differences in the nature of public and private sectors. In public sector, there is no mechanism of selection through competition. However, in private sector, job transfer has been considered to be a test of employee competency and incentives to motivate employees. If the employees could have better performances in the job rotation process, they can have material remunerations which is a salary prompting scheme. Consequently, it produces positive incentive effects, so that job transfer can play a positive function.


Ranjit Kumar著,潘中道、胡龍騰、蘇文賢譯,2014,《研究方法:步驟化學習指南(二版更新版)》,臺北:學富文化。
