  • 學位論文


The Beauty and the Sadness of Social Enterprises in Taiwan: The Study of Local Industries through Regional Revitalization

指導教授 : 林子倫


近年經濟全球化趨勢如同巨浪,各國經濟快速發展,巨型跨國企業競爭激烈,看似帶給人類生活便利與無限未來,然伴隨而來的社會問題卻隨之浮現,而社會企業為解決社會問題之解方良藥。 臺灣與日本相似,現正面臨人口少子化、高齡化及過度集中都會區之挑戰,行政院宣布2019年是臺灣「地方創生元年」,我國參考日本地方創生政策,對抗地方人口流失問題、吸引青年返鄉。地方產業發展目標為活絡地方經濟、創造就業機會,融合地方歷史文化與人文風情,與社會企業強調以商業模式解決社會問題之發展目標不謀而合。臺灣政府於輔導地方產業過程中,無形中滋潤地方創生架構下所發展之地方產業類型社會企業,使其萌芽茁壯、遍地開花。 本研究發現,社會企業與地方創生架構下所發展之地方產業具有交集,此交集以社區事業型社會企業為主;本文主要探討此類社會企業之現況與挑戰,進而提供未來發展之建議。 本研究共七項研究發現: 一、 組織成立背景與臺灣地方發展脈絡有關。 二、 社會企業發展成熟國家以已開發國家占多數,而地方產業發展成熟國家則以開發中國家為主。 三、 組織社會使命為協助地方弱勢族群與提升就業機會。 四、 組織運作模式與公私協力夥伴關係緊密扣合。 五、 組織經營風險較高於營利組織。 六、 社會企業與地方創生架構下所發展之地方產業具有交集關係。 七、 財務狀況為組織最大經營困境。


In recent years, the trend of economic globalization has been like waves. Rapid economic development of all countries in the world, and the competition among large multinational corporations are fierce, seemingly brings convenience to human life and an unlimited future. However, it’s accompanied with social problems have emerged, and social enterprises are the solution to solve the social problems. Taiwan and Japan are now facing the challenges of low fertility, aging, and over-population of metropolitan areas. The Executive Yuan announced that 2019 is "the first year of regional revitalization" of Taiwan. Taiwan refers to Japan's regional revitalization policy to combat local population loss and attract young people to return hometown. The goal of local industry development is to activate the local economy, enhance employment opportunities, and integrate local history, culture, and humanities. This coincides with the social enterprise's emphasis on the development goal of solving social problems with business models. In the course of guiding the local industry, the government of Taiwan virtually nourished the social enterprises of the local industry types to sprout, thrive, and flourish. The study found that social enterprises and developing local industries through regional revitalization have the intersection. This intersection focuses on community-based enterprise. This article mainly discusses the current status and challenges of such social enterprises, and then provide advice for future development. This study had 7 research findings. (I) The background of the organization is related to the local development of Taiwan. (II) The development of social enterprises is dominated by developed countries, while the development of local industries is dominated by developing countries. (III) The social mission of the organization is to assist local disadvantaged groups and enhance employment opportunities. (IV) The organizational operating model is closely linked to the public-private partnership. (V) The operational risk of the organization is higher than for-profit organizations. (VI) Social enterprises and developing local industries through regional revitalization have the intersection. (VII) The biggest challenge for the organization is the financial situation.


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