  • 學位論文

日本殖民主義治理中的現代性 — 成爲「模範蕃社∶川中島」1931 – 1945

Japanese Colonial Modernity in Taiwanese Aboriginal Policy : Becoming a Model Tribe ”Kawanakajima” 1931-1945.

指導教授 : 王梅霞


本文以南投縣仁愛鄉清流部落(日治時期稱為川中島社)為研究對象,主要探討該部落的賽德克人自1931年霧社事件倖存下來並強迫遷移到川中島社後,餘生們如何在這一塊土地上重拾生活以及重建部落。霧社事件的爆發給于日方的理蕃政策很大的打擊,並導致了舊理蕃政策方針的反省與改善。日本殖民主義的治理方式爲本文的框架,從這些治理方針的調整切入,本文重新探討了殖民主義與殖民現代性的關係。由此出發,透過空間、時間、身體等現代性概念,形構了本論文的章節架構。殖民者的現代性治理,試圖在川中島打造一個與過去不同、新的「模範蕃社」,川中島的人們如何經歷這一段歷史?殖民者的政策方針如何具體地施行於部落之中?造成了什麼影響?這是本文以殖民現代性作為理論工具處理與重新檢視的重點。由此切入後,試圖凸顯過去的研究所未能解決的矛盾。 這樣的矛盾植基於殖民主義研究傳統本身的二元對立框架,本文最後試圖對此提出新的可能性。透過川中島賽德克人的情感與記憶,討論其主體性如何於殖民治理當中展現,以及研究者如何得以發掘。從情感與記憶出發,我們得以窺見歷史縫隙當中賽德克人不曾消失的主體性以及歷史過程當中,「餘生」如何展現主體性。 以主體性的存在與挖掘作為重新理解殖民主義與殖民歷史的切入點,能否超越舊有的二元對立框架?本文試圖對此做出回答。


This thesis mainly focuses on Qing-Liu tribe which used to be called Kawanakajima in the Japanese colonial period. Seediq people who survived from the Wushe rebellion were forcibly relocated to this new location in 1931. This paper argues that how these Yu-sheng(survivors) regain their lives and reconstruct their new village, and how they became a “model tribe” in the Japanese colonizer’s eyes. In this historical process, there are also what we need to concern. The fact that the Wushe rebellion uprising prompted the government-general (總督府) to launch sweeping Aboriginal policy (理蕃政策) reforms as important frames of this paper, I also rethink that how colonialism and colonial modernity interrelate each other. Following chapters are consequently composed by three important modern concepts which are space, time and body. In the last part, I completely turn the perspective over to the different direction. Throughout examining the colonial emotion and memory of Seediq people, this thesis also tries to cast off the binary opposition of colonialism such as colonize and be-colonized. Their emotions and memories of ambivalence affords us the new perspective to view colonialism and people’s agency in the colonial history that previous studies have never discussed.


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