  • 學位論文


Atypical Social Work: Impacts of Social Welfare Contracting-out Programs on Social Workers’ Professional Services and Working Conditions

指導教授 : 古允文


研究藉由探討民營化及新管理主義脈絡下,政府將社會服務透過契約委外模式向民間非營利組織購買服務。然而在政府服務委託類型中,本研究以聚焦「方案委託」的契約模式作為研究軸線,進而探討有關非營利組織在承接方案委託後,對組織內部社會工作者的專業服務輸送管理及勞動權益造成的衝擊影響。 研究認為社會福利所執行的方案委託模式,正將臺灣社會工作專業服務及勞動結構無形推向一種「非典型社會工作」的專業型態。公部門透過服務委外方式與民間私部門建立契約合作關係,為臺灣社會福利服務輸送體系而言,雖具有一定程度的發展與貢獻。倘若從社會工作專業發展層面探討,卻能發現受契約規範的服務模式及定期(短期)僱用的現象,委託制度逐漸建構「配合契約規範而降低組織專業自主、因契約終止而間斷式的服務提供、組織專業人力斷層、高流動率的勞動環境、水平式流動及遊走在跨機構領域、缺乏穩定升遷機會、年資累積無法與薪資加給成正比」等非典型社工專業挑戰及勞動風險。 研究設計,透過方案社工角色進一步蒐集其實務工作的經驗,瞭解方案委託對社工的專業服務與勞動權益的關聯性,並以方案社工主觀立場為分析基礎的歸納研究。研究方法則以採用質性研究中的「制度分析與深度訪談」兩者為主要的研究典範。研究中針對實際聘僱於方案契約下的五位社會工作者為受訪對象,透過半結構式的資料蒐集後針對主軸現象進行描述性分析。 資料分析藉由方案社工專業服務及勞動權益的相關影響,進而歸納出三項層面的研究發現分別為(一)結構歸因:方案委託的政策制訂與責信、社工薪資結構之窘境、契約委託之監督角色。(二)組織歸因:組織差異性的影響、薪資制度的制訂、對方案社工的勞動權益重視程度、人才留用的可行性。(三)社工個人歸因:對社工專業職務所帶來的助益、年資的期待。 研究最後以透過方案委託制度構因、及組織人事管理歸因兩項層面來針對「非典型社會工作」提出結論觀點:(一)方案委託制度構因:1.方案委託對專業服務輸送之議題;2.勞動彈性化對非典型社會工作者之議題。(二)組織人事管理歸因:1.組織規模與管理文化的差異性;2.薪資管理制度的多樣性。 面對難以撼動的現行服務委託體制,研究期盼社福領域對勞動結構市場及非典型型態的專業議題能多加重視,並投身建構更健全面且周延的風險評估機制。最後提出相關的研究建議:(一)建置社工人力薪資調查資料庫、擬定契約委託專業人員合理薪資標準與制度。(二)研議社會工作者專業年資累積機制。(三)改善社會福利勞動權益申訴管道與體系、強化違反社會工作者勞動權益的積極性作為。


The study explores the services engaged by government on social services from private non-profit organizations through a contractual outsourcing model, under the trend of privatization and new managerialism. However, in the types of government service entrustment, this study takes the contract model focusing on “contracting-out programs” as research axis, further discusses the impact on non-profit organization, in terms of professional service delivery management and working conditions of social workers in the organization after engagement of the contracting-out programs. The study believes that the contracting-out programs model implemented by social welfare is invisibly pushing Taiwan's social work professional services and labor structure into a "atypical social work" professional style. The public sector has established a contractual and cooperative relationship with the private sector through the service outsourcing method, which has a certain degree of development and contribution to Taiwan's social welfare service delivery system. If we explore from the view of development of the social work profession, we can find phenomena of service models and fixed- term (short- term) employments that are normalized by contractual terms. The entrustment system gradually constructs the service contract with the contractual norms to reduce the professional autonomy of the organization and the discontinuation of services due to termination of contract. Atypical social worker professional challenges and labor risks, such as organizing professional manpower shortage, high-mobility labor environment, horizontal mobility and migration in inter-agency areas, lack of opportunities for stable promotion, and the accumulation of seniority cannot be directly proportional to salary increases. The design of the study is to further collect the experience of practical work through the role of social worker in the program, understand the relationship between the contracting-out programs and professional services and working conditions of the social workers, and take the subjective position of the social workers as the analytical basis for the inductive research. The research method is based on the use of both "institutional analysis and in-depth interviews" in qualitative research as the main research paradigm. In the study, five social workers hired under the program contract were interviewed by using semi-structured data collection to conduct a descriptive analysis of the principal phenomenon. The data analysis is based on the related effects of the program social work professional services and working conditions, and then concluding three levels of research findings: (1) Structural attribution: policy formulation and responsibility of the contracting-out programs, social industrial salary structure, contractual commission Supervised role. (2) Organizational attribution: the impact of organizational differences, the formulation of the salary system, the level of importance attached to the working conditions of the social workers, and the feasibility of retaining talents. (3) Personal attribution of social workers: the benefits and seniority expectations of social work professional positions. At the end of the study, the conclusions of "atypical social work" were proposed through two aspects: the structure of the entrustment system and the organization of personnel management attribution: (1) The structure of the contracting-out programs system: (i) The issue of contracting-out programs toward professional service delivery. (ii) The issue of labor flexibility for atypical social workers. (2) Organizational personnel management attribution: (i) The difference between the organization scale and the management culture. (ii) The diversity of the salary management system. Facing the inconvenient current service entrustment system, the research hopes that the social welfare field will pay more attention to the professional issues of the labor structure market and atypical types, and will participate in the construction of a more sound and comprehensive risk assessment mechanism. Finally, the relevant research suggestions are put forward: (1) Establishing a database of surveyed social workers' wages, and formulating reasonable salary standards and systems for contracted professionals. (2) To study the mechanism for accumulating professional social workers' seniority. (3) Improving the channels and systems for appealing social welfare and working conditions, and strengthening the enthusiasm for violating the working conditions and interests of social workers.


一、 中文部分
古允文(1999)。The Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism 福利資本主義的三個世界(原作者:Gosta Esping-Andersen)。台北:巨流。(原著出版年:1990)。
