  • 學位論文


Survey of roaming dogs in Taipei

指導教授 : 李培芬


遊蕩犬隻對人以及野生動物皆造成了負面影響,為了有效的執行減少遊蕩犬隻數量的相關辦法,遊蕩犬隻的數量及分布調查是相當重要的。本研究以照相捕捉法調查臺北市內共104個里,並將遊蕩犬隻再細分為流浪犬與放養家犬,估算全臺北市的遊蕩犬隻數量;探討相互獨立的環境因子[人口數、常態化差值植生指標(NDVI值)]對遊蕩犬隻數量有何影響。並依照樣區的環境類型分為市區組、綠地組與河濱組,以及是否有人為餵食分為餵養組與無餵養組,比較各種樣區間的遊蕩犬隻數量是否有所不同,探討調查遊蕩犬隻時所需的努力量,比較與先前臺北市各行政區的遊蕩犬隻數量估計,並以總樣區的5%、10%、15%與20%的調查樣區進行遊蕩犬隻數量估算,了解樣區至少要達總樣區多少比例可以使估算結果夠精準。結果顯示,全臺北市遊蕩犬隻數量的95%信賴區間為3977 ± 1247隻,若再分為流浪犬和放養家犬,則分別為2385 ± 865隻與1592 ± 445隻;NDVI值對於遊蕩犬隻與流浪犬而言都是正相關的影響因子,但對於放養家犬則沒有影響;在市區中的遊蕩犬隻、流浪犬與放養家犬數量都低於河濱或綠地。結果顯示綠地組的累積調查遊蕩犬隻數量比市區與河濱較早達到收斂,但由於市區組的犬隻數量本來就較少,因此仍建議相較於市區組,河濱與綠地的樣區需要較高的努力量;與先前的調查比較各區遊蕩犬隻數量時,發現雖然全台北市的總量估算沒有差異,但在各區的數量仍有差異,先前的調查是以海拔100公尺區分兩種樣區,再依照各行政區的兩種樣區比例進行估算,因此建議未來若要進行犬隻調查時不能僅以海拔作為估算的唯一參考指標,而要多加比較其他環境因子,另外調查時需要至少抽樣20%以上總樣區,才可以使估算結果接近實際值;本次調查中除了流浪犬外也調查到了大量的放養家犬,表示未來相關單位若要有效減少遊蕩犬隻數量,除了針對流浪犬的TNR或精準捕捉外,飼主責任教育也是相當關鍵的一環。


Roaming dogs have caused disturbance on both people and wildlife. The abundance and distribution investigation of roaming dogs is important for executing the plan of reducing roaming dog. This study investigated roaming dogs in 104 villages of Taipei, and divided them into stray dogs and free-range owned dogs to estimate the number of roaming dogs in Taipei and studied their preferences of environmental conditions. Divided the plots into city group, green space group and riverside park group by their environment, and divided the plots into feeding group and non-feeding group by whether people feeding roaming dog or not, then compared the number of roaming dogs and the number of days required for the investigation with each group, and compared the number of roaming dogs of each district with previous research. Estimating the number of roaming dogs in Taipei by 5% of total villages in Taipei, 10% of total villages in Taipei, 15% of total villages in Taipei and 20% total villages in Taipei to understand how many plots should be investigated for estimating the number of roaming dogs exactly. The result show that the 95% confidence interval of the estimate of roaming dogs is 3977 ± 1247, and the 95% confidence interval of the estimates of stray dogs and free-range owned dogs are 2385 ± 865 and 1592 ± 445. Both roaming dog and stray prefer to live in high Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) area, but free-range owned dogs doesn’t, all of them in city group are fewer than green space group and riverside park group. Although the result shows that the number of days required for the investigation of green space group is fewer than city group and riverside park group, roaming dogs are few in city originally, so we still suggest that it should take more times to investigate roaming dogs in riverside park group and green space group than city group. The estimate of total roaming dogs in Taipei is similar to previous research, but they are different in each district, previous research had divided the plot into two parts by an altitude of 100 meters, then the number of roaming dogs had been computed on the ratio of two kinds of landforms in each district. So it should estimate the number of roaming dogs by not only altitude, but also other environment conditions. To estimate the number of roaming dogs exactly, researchers should investigate more than 20% of total plots. This study has investigated not only stray dogs, but also free-range owned dogs. To reduce the population of roaming dog, I suggest not only implementing the program of TNR (Trap Neuter Return) and capture accurately, but also enhancing the responsibility of pet owners.


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