  • 學位論文


Research on Operation Management and Business Planning Model for Mixed-use Development

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


住、商複合型態開發模式於近年來已有日益增加的趨勢,但至今發現在開發商交屋後幾乎所有個案均採統一管委會運營的模式組織,且通常因住宅所有權人比例高於商業,故幾乎相關規約規範都以住宅管理為主方式進行,而欠缺考量因兩者屬不同群體不同維護基準、頻率及管理範疇差異,而應有不同之管理模式與約定,甚而還有規範商業運營條件、不符比例之管理費及回饋基金等情事發生,並有雙方時而產生管理爭議而無法解決,而導致無法成就社區之共榮共好原則,實在是一共同損失,故本研究針對商業部分以開發商統一運營之商場(購物中心)為例說明商場(購物中心)之經營模式本基於商業與周邊整體環境之經營模式與責任,非住宅管委會可以共同管理創造整體公平互惠提升價值之組織,故透過本研究於複合型態開發定位明確後即以符合公寓大廈管理條例及各項法源基礎下,進行分設分管之組織型態各項檢討,並透過住宅銷售合約之分管約定及分別成立運營組織架構為目標、明確細分建築物共用部分、約定共用部分之修繕、管理、維護範圍及使用管理維護等權利義務。 另關於商業企劃模式探究,本研究最後總結若要創造該區域之魅力場所,達到優質環境品質、安全性、經濟性及便利性為思考,對於商場(購物中心)的前期市調範疇、目標客群如何設定、零售市場的演變與流通、消費者的變化、業種業態的設定、因應市場變化強化的體驗型商品及以行銷觀點進行販促視點的軟體規劃,進行透過以上各項軟體規劃整合做法導入相對應的商環境硬體規劃,其中尤其應重視基於長期運營,尤須重視館內館外動線流暢規劃、設備計畫、外觀廣告與導引計劃及周邊共享的魅力廣場景觀計畫…等等,如此在有心經營商場(購物中心)的業者條件之下,並透過日本類似案例之運營成功經驗,本研究導入上述主要關鍵議題之規劃案例,在未來正式運營後希望可以透過再次調查研究實際運營狀況來檢視規劃成效。


Mixed-use Developments consisting of residential and commercial have become common and popular; however, the management of almost all these developments after handover, due to its residence focused nature, are almost always under the management of a single biased committee. Of course, this also happen because of higher residential ratio than that of commercial. The drawback of such management is the lack of proper measures or standards between two end users: residents and retailers, who very often possess different and conflicting interests that may lead to different managements and maintenance requirements. In some cases, the residence committee further escalates the problems by demanding unreasonable commercial terms and higher management fees from retail users, such practice not only creates disputes, but also works against the best interests of both parties. By using an example of a development project whose commercial section is operated by the same developer, this research attempts to demonstrate a good commercial property is depend upon its neighboring business activities and environments, a non-residential management committee can actually provide a fair platform that creates and enhance values for both parties; therefore, if when a mixed-used development is positioned carefully and properly before the development, it will be able to meet existing residential ordinances and regulations, thereby through separated management committees making sure rights and duties of both parties are met. All these can be done by integrating separate management agreement into the residential sales contract with specific goals, clearly defined public areas and how these areas managed, maintained and used. On business planning, this research has made the conclusion that in order to establish an attractive commercial property in an area, issues such as neighborhood, safety, economics and convenience must be considered. Preliminary feasibility studies such as target customers, market changes, consumer behaviors, tenant mix and other experience driven products and marketing ideas must be carefully tested and integrated into the planning of facilities and infrastructures. Amongst all these, one must pay attention to productivity of both internal and external personnel, planning of circulations and traffic flows, facilities that meet environmental needs, advertising banners, landscape planning etc. Finally achieve a good mixed-use development project that well interacts and co-exists with neighborhood and commercial activities.


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